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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Have you not heard the saying "God works in mysterious ways"? The scroll feature is your friend.
  2. Nah let it go. Who cares. So if he was black all would be cool? Did I understand you correctly?
  3. Dumb question. Yeah you don't have a clue what I do. EDIT: And if you do know what I do not only would I fire you as my attorney I'd fire you as a client for asking such a dumb question.
  4. Yes, thank you for pointing out why he was shot.
  5. Yeah I don’t know what I do. Maybe I can get a job at Goldman and they can tell me. ?
  6. Goldman? You have no clue what I do do you?
  7. I don’t know. I didn’t go there. I was thinking it was sarcasm until I considered the source. You are a lawyer right?
  8. Heart attack at 20? I have a feeling some extracurriculars were going on.
  9. So I missed my mom's 95th because of the 14 day quarantine but these idiots can come and perform for VMA? ***** you ***** you ***** you ***** you ***** you!!!!!!
  10. Why is remaining silent a right? Yes because anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Best to shut up and let them piece together their case against you. Remind me not to retain you if this is your best advice.
  11. Well I hope that scares her straight. And yes I'm assuming it was an OD.
  12. So explaining to you what just happened and the analysis of what just happened? It's a pretty basic sport. Sorry you need it spoon fed to you what is going on. Poignant. Bwahahahahahahhaha!!!
  13. Black people were never shot before Trump was elected? Damn. Run that mother ***** out!!
  14. What's strange about it? What's strange is you idiots sit in front of a TV for three hours to watch a bunch of grown men chasing each other around for 12 minutes. Then for the other 168 minutes you either watch these same men wander around the field or advertisements on things you don't need. Yeah that's some strange *****.
  15. I hate football. It used to be a fun sport to watch on TV. Then I grew up and realized listening to two guys tell me what's happening and what just happened became very boring. Then they added a few rules like instant replay and moving the kickoff. And they said these were done to make the game more fair and for player safety. Ummm no. The new kickoff rule virtually eliminated one of the most exciting plays (the kickoff return) and replaced it with beer/Dorito/truck commercials. And instant reply was added just to add more commercials. So yeah I hate football. What night this week will they be discussing this?
  16. Our week? ? And last week was a love fest wasn’t it. Tool.
  17. WHATEVER IT TAKES!!! Geez what don’t you understand? If you’re expecting a politician to give you the details of their “plan” you’re probably a Democrat. Remember John Kerry had a “plan”.
  18. I know I mentioned this in another thread but if you’re expecting a politician to keep you safe you’re probably a Democrat.
  19. So to you it’s either shut down the economy or we say ***** it and not protect ourselves and others? There is a very happy medium.
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