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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Well you said you're hoping to cure the cause. If that's the case you may be done getting made (angry) but you'll go mad.
  2. Hahahahaha!! Good luck. The cancer is incurable. Hope you take disappointment well. Oh wait……Bills fan. Carry on.
  3. Too late. That ship has sailed. BTW when are they going to forgive VA loans? So they care about little Muffin and her lack of income from her gender studies degree that put her $50k in debt but not the guy/gal who, ***** voluntarily, risked his/her life to defend us? WTF is that noise??? 😡😡😡
  4. Ok this could work. But prove your hardship. There are hardship rules regarding early distributions for 401k’s that eliminate the pre 59 1/2 10% penalty. Having loan debt does not itself constitute a hardship. Especially if you’re making a quarter million a year.
  5. Good for them. I don’t. EDIT: unfortunately it’s on his watchso it becomes his problem. And if the Fed gets it under control while he’s in office he’ll (also unfortunately) get the credit.
  6. Ha. You are so predictable. So Trump is the only politician you’re ready to blame for government spending? Any blame for Bush? Obama? Biden? How about Congress that submits the budgets? Who is laying all of the blame on policy?
  7. I asked you. I’m curious. Do you feel government spending has a hand in our current inflation?
  8. How high are these corporate profit margins?
  9. You bought a BMW EV? I don’t know you……
  10. Yeah I was pretty sure you were a Gen Xer. Can spot you whiners a mile away. Sure we're all here for a good fight but also a good debate. I'm given ***** here all the time for asking questions. That is the fundamental aspect of a good debate. Bring your point and be prepared to answer questions as to why/how you came to your conclusion(s). And dude. As everyone knows I gave up on the Bills over 5 years ago. I pretty much gave up on all sports this past year. It's ***** awesome. Yes I watched the Bills game today. 10 years ago I would have broken something. Today? Laughed......
  11. ***** off Gene......... But seriously I understand what you're saying. Hypocrisy abounds here...BIG TIME. We are all hypocrites at some point some by the minute some by the year. My main point is when you direct your anger at people you have never, and likely will never, meet you come across as someone with issues. I've always said hate is a strong word. And we've all at one point say we hate something or someone but damn when your whole persona is based on hate like Billy's it's sad and kind of disconcerting. I have yet to see him even try to hold a "normal" conversation with anyone here. Never a sense of humor, compassion or empathy. It's just angst angst angst. Must be a Gen Xer.
  12. I've been done for I think 7 years now and it's ***** glorious.
  13. I don't paint with a wide brush Gene. I asked HIM why HE seems to hate people he doesn't know. Not why he hates large groups of people such as Republicans. He goes around calling people he's never met idiots and freaks. Of course he's not the only one here that does that but I'm engaging with him. I hope that makes sense to you.
  14. Regardless who your anger is directed towards it's not good. Why do you hate people you don't even know? It's weird. What impact on society do MY choices have? Tell us more about what side of history you're on? We are seeing things being proposed by the party in power now that we've never seen before in our history. I'd be fascinated to hear your thoughts on this. Put aside the anger and "our side vs your side" schtick for a bit and have an adult conversation.
  15. Good for you. I care about the things I can control. My day to day life and the security and well being of those I love and care about. Your anger is not good for you. I wish you luck.
  16. Hey everyone….what’s up?
  17. No Tibs we don’t win all the time. We even admit when we don’t win. Here is the main difference. When I win or lose it’s 99.99% up to me. Why I mostly win in life. Yup you do. And you know it. That’s likely why you come across as a angry man/child. Oh no we absolutely want to be in a fascist cult. It’s a blast. And you have it backwards. It’s kick kittens and drown Mexicans. 🙄
  18. And thinks he’s winning. Also a very psychotic behavior.
  19. Ahhh the condescending liberal. You should move to the Bay Area. You’d fit right in.
  20. I’ve been calling him psychotic for a while now. It originally was as a joke but then I looked up psychosis and he does seem to have a lot of symptoms.
  21. Why accrue interest? Is this a profit center for the government? LOL How about letting people have the option to a) Keep the terms of the loans but at zero interest or b) reamortize back out to 10 years at zero interest. There are so many options but just giving people $10-$40k is just obvious political pandering to me. The government.
  22. Or they can make a plan to start setting aside money now to cover the eventual taxation. This would have been ideal. Or even push the loan out more years to reduce the monthly payment further. There were so many ways to help people without a massive handout.
  23. Awesome dodge! Give me some specifics. You said old people shouldn’t do certain things? Such as? And for the thousandth time I’m not. Republican however I have ZERO problem with Christian values. So I guess we can add you to the list of those that misunderstands the Founding Fathers thoughts on the Church and State.
  24. Ok….how much was the natural gas to charge it?
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