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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Why I said “under the assumption”. Cops are bad shots so it sometimes takes one/two/three clips to stop the suspect. But seriously that’s why the whole “why don’t they just wing him” comments are dumb.
  2. The training isn’t to shoot or kill the suspect. The training is to stop the suspect. So they continue to fire until the suspect is stopped. That often takes several rounds.
  3. I think you’re on to something. Cops - 7 rounds no dead. Kid - 8 rounds (what I counted) 2 dead one injured. Cops are the worst shots.
  4. What did the cops think he was reaching for in his car? Answer this and we will determine whether or not it’s legit. You know that “why 7 times” is a GREAT question. I was always under the assumption they were trained to empty their magazines.
  5. Holy hell. What a horrible and childish letter. Trump offers help and the first thing he brings up is COVID?? There is no place for violence, arson and looting in your city? Have you been to your city? That IS the place right now for violence, arson and looting. Your city is the poster child for that. Good luck to the poor people that have to live with the consequences of your “leadership”.
  6. Of course not. That’s not why he was shot. But you knew that.
  7. Let's do the math. A quick search shows that $3.8b has been allocated to the wall. There are 50,000,000 students in the us. That allocates a whopping $76 per student. Awesome! No cops with guns. Not necessary. I agree. So cops with guns ONLY intimidates students of color. Please link to the research that shows that. You mention that SOC have more problems than SWOC have. What are those problems and where do those problems arise from? Your last point. Not sure what you're referring to in our conversation. You didn't address my response to you regarding forced integration. Please explain how this will work and what will be the benefits. I'm not saying there are no benefits of this I just would like to hear from you. You also didn't address my final point about why some SOC have done extremely well on gifted and talented programs while others have not? Why have some done very well while others have not? What are the differences between those that excel and those that don't?
  8. Who said anything about Trump???? TDS always takes over doesn't it. This is a perfect example of why the left is often difficult to have discussions with. It all comes back to Trump.
  9. So it’s justified. Thanks counselor for pointing that out to us.
  10. I absolutely agree with this statement. I have learned to really hate headlines. And with my ADD I have been trapped by many myself over the years.
  11. So they are redefining the legal term Battery?
  12. Assault and Battery does not require bodily injury.
  13. What the?!!?!? Why not just put a bounty out on the cops. Define harm.
  14. ......while continuing to kill people with his Trump Virus...... <let's keep thing going. should be fun>
  15. We were having a discussing with my dad several years ago about this. His "lady friend" at the time was quietly sipping her cocktail as we discussed it. Then my dad dropped the "she was asking for it...." and his friend said "oh ***** you!!" It was awesome. Should have married her dad. I would have loved having her as a step-mom. LOL PPP does a fantastic job of pointing out every day that "everything is stupid."
  16. We finally have our shot and killed “protestors”. Success!! See how horrible the right is!! They killed two people!! It’s a wrap!
  17. Socialism is the equality of outcome? What the??? How about we change the whole system to have the equality of opportunity. Oh wait. That already exists. But seriously we can agree that there is racism in this country. Always will be. You can’t get rid of it. But I don’t see evidence of systemic racism. And I’ll end with a question. I assume you think there is systemic racism. What would YOU recommend to eliminate it?
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