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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I'm a rebel. I don't play by the rules. Rules are for people who can't think for themselves. And whose Rules are these? Hey speaking of thinking. Care to address my questions to you from above. I was looking for a debate that your Bidened out on.
  2. Seriously? This is what you're going with? Pathetic.
  3. I sail the ocean. It's much more of a challenge. Lakes are for children. See what assuming does to you.
  4. I'm just addressing why I'm only discussing this topic. Keep looking for which boats were sunk and who the the owners are voting for.
  5. Here's your Rule #2 @SectionC3 Or is this rule #1? I don't know the details of the rules. Regardless you bailed on our debate.
  6. We're done here until you are. The only topic I'm interested in today? No I'm interested in having a life. I suggest you work on yours.
  7. I hate it when people destroy other's property on purpose. Those damn enthusiastic Trump supporters. How many of those not in the parade got *****?
  8. Ok so it wasn't the weather. They all put themselves in danger. No one put anyone else in danger. It's called personal responsibility. ***** happens and many times it's because of our own actions. If they put anyone NOT involved in the parade in danger then you have a point. Otherwise you stick with everyone's a victim mentality. Awwww those poor victims.
  9. Ohhhhh so the rally caused the weather that caused the rough water. Oh those Trumpers.
  10. Good for you man. Good to see you’re doing your part.
  11. Put it on a $50 check and you have a deal.
  12. Most everything his posts is met by crickets. Gee...I wonder why?
  13. So the Military Industrial Complex is new to you? The “leaders” of the county have been playing us like a fiddle for a very long time. Coming to a city near you.... The Homeless Industrial Complex? The Covid Industrial Complex?
  14. Aww common man! You guys are great people to be fans of. That's nothing to be ashamed of.
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