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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Will there ever be? Depends. The environmentalists control the narrative for now. Controlled burns = Smoke = Climate Change = Bad Logging = Bad Clearing Brush = Death to the wood snipe = Bad Even with a plan to do all of these things there will still be fires. Mother Nature will always rule and pay no attention to us bipeds that roam HER planet. People from outside CA give me funny looks when I say "fire season"
  2. I saw a massive Biden rally today in Orange County. Must have been three...four people on the corner. Anyway there was a guy with a sign “Make America Kind Again”. The irony is think with that one.
  3. Climate change? No. Natural cycle of nature. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/24/899422710/to-manage-wildfire-california-looks-to-what-tribes-have-known-all-along Before 1800, several million acres burned every year in California due to both Indigenous burning and lightning-caused fires, far more than even the worst wildfire years today. Tribes used low-grade fires to shape the landscape, encouraging certain plants to grow both for tribal use and to attract game.
  4. @SectionC3 Oh the "I know you are but what am I" retort. Yes you were reported as you should have been for a MAJOR TOS violation. But you were not reported by me. We took it off line where it belonged.
  5. Yes I did know he was about to suspend you because he messaged me first. So again. Full of *****.
  6. Well there you go. Full of ***** again. I never reported you.
  7. Here you go @SectionC3 for the second time. Care to discuss?
  8. Which of us pansies here do that? Prove yourself right. Awesome. I am trying to get @SectionC3 to engage in a discussion and you accuse me of not wanting to discuss. And you do know about how debate works right? Oh sorry that's a question. And @Tiberius stopped responding to my questions because he knew if he answered them he would be exposed for the boring, pathetic fraud he is. Kind of where @SectionC3 is headed. Or wait. He's been there a long time.
  9. Just pointing out you’re full of ***** as usual.
  10. They do? With all the ***** that goes on here if there was a lot of going on there would be a lot more suspensions. What is rule #2?
  11. Already done dude. You’re welcome in advance.
  12. Rolling blackouts. Coming to a neighborhood near you! Not sure California’s power grid is a model you want to tout.
  13. I abhor lines. I have a friend who always says “we have to go to this restaurant. It had to be good. There is always a line.” No thanks.
  14. I think I said I don’t play by the rules and I surely don’t jump to your “comply” demand. So you lost the debate and bailed. I get it.
  15. I remember there were fires 15 or so years ago in the San Bernardino Mts. I could look at the sun with binoculars and see sunspots. Fricken cool
  16. Who would want to go there? The lines must be horrible.
  17. Look. The thread is four pages. You can do it man. Maybe if you stopped being so ***** boring with your “hoax” posts you’d have time.
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