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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. This is the scary thing. It’s all about control which most politicians thrive on.
  2. So you’re an idiot? Thanks for the admission. Carry on Mr Village Idiot.
  3. Fact? FACTS??? Please cite your facts. You run 100% on emotion and hate. Sad.
  4. Decimated the American way of life?? Killed 200,000 Americans?? How can ANYTHING that organization says ever be taken seriously after that? Or before for that matter. EDIT: Damn I forgot where I was. What the ***** does your post have to do with the topic of this thread? You are in a bad way dude. God it must suck to be so ***** up in the head with TDS.
  5. And no human is illegal? Ok then we’ll just call them what they are. Criminals.
  6. Ours opened up this week. I assume you’re in LA County?
  7. In another city in the Valley. PS is too crowded, too expensive and too gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  8. I imagine this has been mentioned many times but I’ll bring it up again. I think the the high number of deaths in this country has very little if anything to do with Trump and EVERYTHING to do with our love of freedom, distrust of government and mostly an indication of the poor health in this country. Go to the gym people! Eat a salad! What a bunch of fatties.
  9. Dude. I am NOT defending him. I’m asking you to back up your statement. Very few people use words like: I think, it’s my opinion, in my mind. Everything here is stated as fact and what I do is ask people to provide proof or the line of thought that brought them to those conclusions. And it’s amazing how often I do that the answers are not given, I’m attacked as someone who asks stupid questions, the subject is changed or I’m flat out ignored.
  10. Then explain how Trump’s actions were malicious and your proof of his maliciousness.
  11. You are dumb aren’t you? Do you understand what the word malicious means?
  12. You didn’t answer completely. How would people better protecting themselves have have changed the outcome? Do you know that for sure? Why did Sweden’s protocol work? You have no clue. I have no clue. No one does. You have all day to B word and moan about not having all day to debate. Interesting.
  13. Did Cuomo have malicious intent. Hell no. Let me ask you. Did Trump?
  14. Debating is about asking and answering questions. You do understand that correct? And you did not answer my questions. You don’t have all day to explain it. Code for “I have no clue” 😂😂😂😂
  15. Why bother responding to me if you’re not going to debate? Come on man. Answer my question. He had a plan. Just like John Kerry did. @Captain Hindsight where are you!
  16. In this case hindsight is not only 20/20 it’s worthless. @Captain Hindsight Where are you?
  17. A dusting to me is too much. It drops below 50 I hate it. Why we’re moving to Palm Springs where it was 122 last weekend. Aaaaahhhhhhh. Nice and warm.
  18. The increase of mask usage and social distancing in California the past three months has increased exponentially. Have the COVID numbers dropped exponentially? Nope.
  19. Fantastic job (as usual) addressing his points. What would you suggest he have done differently and how would your suggestions have changed the outcome?
  20. No fear here. I’ve been here almost 40 years. Never had anything more that some pictures askew form an earthquake. Never had a fire come close enough where evacuation has been a concern Never has any type of mudslide even though we have lived on slopes the past 8 years. You guys get snow every year. 😁
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