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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I hope you have kids because I had to google that. No really I did.
  2. Of course. Because any intelligence up there is artificial. 😁
  3. Like how many Republicans have like moved away from Trump because of like the Lincoln Project?
  4. What makes The China Flu and The Trump Flu the same?
  5. Explain how they are same. Google will not tell me what you're thinking. Stop being a dick. Oh wait......................
  6. In order for one of those Chefs to be me I'd have to have been allowed in the stadium. @mead107 and @BringBackFergy will both attest that I'm not allowed in the stadium since those lost keys and cell phone incidents. Hell I'm not even sure I'm allowed back in WNY. Oh ***** I did that years ago.
  7. Thanks for the advice...................................
  8. Huh. One of our own makes the big time. Run @Deranged Rhino Run!!
  9. I did peak at the score a couple times yesterday. I was at lunch with the wife and when I saw the final score I laughed and said told her I can imagine all the "We suck" "We have no killer instinct" "We are not a second half team" "I blame Rusty Jones (yeah that goes back to when I cared) for not getting them in shape. They ran out of gas in the second half" "We should have won by six touchdowns" yadda yadda yadda. I will say the most entertaining part of Sundays in the fall and winter are the game day threads. OMG it's hilarious.
  10. You know that happens to me. I get confused for someone who gives a ***** all the time.
  11. How are they both the same? What does that even mean "they are both the same"?
  12. So let me see if I get this straight. I black guy is killed while in police custody. There is ZERO proof he was murdered due to his skin color however BLM/ANTFA blow up with regard to this incident. Now we have an incident where it's pretty evident that the attempted murder of these cops was done for one reason and one reason only. They are police officers. Did I get this straight?
  13. What's so funny @Q-baby! ? Maybe you can explain why the Trump Virus is an appropriate moniker while the Chinese Virus is not.
  14. I wear a mask where I’m supposed to. Just like the fact that I don’t know about @SectionC3 and his Rules #1 & #2 I don’t know the details of Governor Gruesome’s protocols. That would require I pay attention to him.
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