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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. When someone gives you an answer you don’t like instead of debating the topic we get brilliant responses of: Fake!! Hoax! Rule #2! Link! Boring, pathetic, immature and childish.
  2. Why on earth would I need a link when you and all your Woke Supremacists are screaming SYSTEMIC RACISM after we had things in place like Affirmative Action for years. You ARE the link. That is your PROOF! Why didn’t Affirmative Action work?
  3. I gave it to you. You just don’t like my answer I guess.
  4. Loan forgiveness. Scholarships. More money for schools. Integration. Can you at least agree that a decent amount of these issues can be fixed at home? Now Rule #2 (I assume it means provide proof) of systemic racism
  5. You gave me very vague ideas. I demand nothing. I simply as for details. Micro details? No. Details. I will tell you why your vague ideas won’t work. Because some of those ideas have been tried and have not solved the problem. And yes there is a problem. If your ideas would work why didn’t Affirmative Action? Shouldn’t that of have fixed your problem of systemic racism? In my mind we need to focus more on the family unit values that seem to be greatly lacking in these communities than the carrots you propose. I’m a big carrot guy but it’s not working. https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/larry-elder-fatherless-families-are-no-1-problem-america-not-racism
  6. I would love to tell you how your ideas will or won't work. You haven't given any details on them. They are vague at best. I'm trying to give you the opportunity to give me some details and you dodge and dodge and dodge. That makes me a tool? If you have no details on how all this will work that's fine. Just admit it and I'll leave you alone.
  7. *****. My dad died a few weeks shy of his 90th. This is exactly how he sounded in the last year of so before he died of a heart attack. I am so glad he died quickly and didn't have to deal any longer with his diminishing cognitive abilities. It frustrated the hell out of him.
  8. 1. Most certainly did ask you to substantiate several things. Let's start with these: A. Which Urban Schools get the money? Now I don't expect you to name specific districts but what would you think would be a viable plan on how to determine this? Why only urban schools. What about the rural schools in the south with lots of poor students with higher levels of melanin? Why are you turning your back on them? B. Do you feel that some of the treatment by the police of some of these communities is somewhat self inflicted? Do you not feel they have some culpability in this? How do you propose we fix this? C. You mentioned loan forgiveness programs. What REPAYE/PAYE/IBR/ICR plans aren't good enough? And if not what other plans would you suggest that will help students with higher levels of melanin? 2. Attention has been brought. Many, many, many times. Why in your mind is there still a problem and what are the next logical steps to reduce/eliminate your vision of this systemic racism? 3. Managing money?? You really don't know what I do, do you?
  9. They are kneeling to show the world they are doing something. This should eliminate the systematic racism they are fighting any day now. Just as this did two generations ago.
  10. Career Government Scientists? Those that can't do teach. Those that can't teach consult Those that can't consult go into government. The scientists "haven't gotten out of their sweatpants except for meetings at coffee shops"
  11. Stop asking loaded questions? Nope, just asking you to back up your claims. See you can not or will not back them up then I'll move on because as usual you bore me to death. People booed because there is systemic racism? You area one clueless tool aren't you. I'm pretty sure they booed because that is their way of saying "get politics the ***** out of sports!" I am so glad I gave up on sports before all this went down. Shows I was right about athletes all along. Good lord you are pathetically boring.
  12. Point #1. Which Urban districts are you going to focus on and why? So rural districts have no issues? There are only children of color in urban areas? Have you ever visited the south or are you one of those big city elite Woke Supremacists who brush aside the south? Point #2. Rodney King? Come on man. That's what you come up with? Where you even born then? Call the NAACP? Why would I want to do that? I'm discussing this with you. So the inhabitants of these communities have zero culpability in how the community is treated by law enforcement. Let me ask you. Is there more violent crime in Urban areas and if so does that have anything to do with how law enforcement treats the area. There is PLENTY of blame to go around for both sides. Point #3. There are not scholarships already available? Isn't there already student loan forgiveness? I suggest you look up all the forgiveness programs already out there. Point #4. I'm sorry you look at it as incoherent. Give it a shot. Why do you think students with higher levels of melanin are not well represented in G&T programs. You obviously think it's systemic racism right? Tell us more about why you feel that way. I don't know what Rule #2 is. Why don't you explain it to me you Woke Supremacist.
  13. My best friend and co-worker has not returned to work. He's 62 and is very worried about how this virus could hurt him. He said he went to a restaurant for the first time in 6 months (and he's a big foodie) and he said he felt very uncomfortable being in public. That is NO way to go through life. I feel really bad for him. He's not that old but has had some health issues which concerns him. I've been trying to get him to get healthier for years. Now maybe he'll listen to me.
  14. That's what makes him boring. Lack of originality. Fits right in with his buddy BillsTime. I also don't care to be a Woke Supremacist.
  15. I think them having these rallies without requiring masks is stupid. Why would you want me to go to a rally sans mask? What exactly are you saying here?
  16. No. I'm pretty sure this is not a hoax. Hell I don't even want to be your friend let alone your advisor.
  17. Point #1. According to your link there has will be allotted $18.4b. There are 50,000,000 students in the use. So now the number is a whopping $317 per student. Not a week, not a month, not even a year. A one time dollar amount for each child. Please let us know how this amount will move the needle. What will you be using that money for? And BTW I have zero desire to be your financial advisor. Anyone who asks if I'm beating the S&P 500 out of the gate is an immediate "no thanks". Again you don't know what I do. And that's ok but your assumptions don't reflect well on you. Point #2. Regarding cops with guns in schools. I said that was a bad idea for all students. It's intimidating for all. Why do communities of color have a fraught relationship with the police. Where does that stem from? Point #3. What are the incentives? If that project has been in place as long as your link suggests the problems of children of color should be gone right? How have things improved for the children in the predominantly neighborhoods of color due to this program? Point #4. So you're suggesting that students of color (and you're talking specific colors I imagine) are under represented due to systemic racism? Is this an opinion that you and many others have or is there proof you can point to? Are their other underlying reasons why children of color (god I hate that "of color" moniker) are not well represented? I've told you several times and this is the last time I will tell you. I don't know what rules #1 and #2 are so I will continue to ignore them when you mention them.
  18. I was listening to a talk radio show this morning and someone had emailed in with a new term for SJW. Woke Supremacists. It's perfect! They think that they are superior to anyone else and those who disagree and are not woke are inferior.
  19. On case you were unaware this is a worldwide pandemic. Question. How many Americans has he been personally responsible for spreading it to? I don’t need an exact amount. Ballpark it for us.
  20. WNY has phenomenal maple syrup. Hot strippers? Not so much.
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