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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No I had a stroke. Instead of being your usual dick would you care to address my point?
  2. I have zero fear of the police. I’m thinking a HUGE majority of Americans feel the same way.
  3. Children?? And what does the fact their parents are immigrants have to do with it?
  4. Living in fear of the police is no way to live.
  5. Ok what percentage of police officers in the US have committed abuse? And so you know 27% of police officers have fired their weapons in the line of duty and I would imagine a vast majority were justified.
  6. Hell yeah it’s relevant You pretty much accused a majority of cops as bad players and you don’t even know how many have fired their weapon while on duty. Vilifying a whole group based on a few bad actors is an emotional argument. I don’t debate with emotions.
  7. What percentage of police officers have fired their weapons in the line of duty?
  8. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/who-are-antifa These violent counter-protesters are often part of “antifa” (short for “antifascist”), a loose collection of groups, networks and individuals who believe in active, aggressive opposition to far right-wing movements. Their ideology is rooted in the assumption that the Nazi party would never have been able to come to power in Germany if people had more aggressively fought them in the streets in the 1920s and 30s. Most antifa come from the anarchist movement or from the far left, though since the 2016 presidential election, some people with more mainstream political backgrounds have joined their ranks. So according to the ADL they not only exist they are violent. I will add they’ve gone far beyond counter-protesting. Who is are the counter-protesting?
  9. Depends on if people were around the country throwing bottles, Molotov cocktails, shooting etc financial advisors and we carried weapons and someone reached for one of my colleague’s weapons I’d likely leave the old man down too. He was an stupid. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. I’m not going any further with that story. We did thar one to death already.
  10. Are their bad police? ***** yeah. Are their bad financial advisors (my chosen profession)? ***** yeah. But when you use the word THEY when calling cops terrorists you slander the vast majority (my opinion here) that are doing great jobs of serving their community. I have a HUGE problem with that. And we are not powerless. What changes do you suggest? Forgive me if you've laid out your plan already but I'd like to hear it. What people are doing now to effect change if foolish. They are going about it all wrong. And I'm sorry but empathy worked for you but I highly doubt it will work for the majority of violent criminals that police in many communities deal with on a daily basis. If they are terrorists what political aim are they pursuing? You left that part out of your definition. Let me as you a question. What percentage of police officers do you think have fired their weapon while on duty?
  11. Well over 60%? 40% are domestic abusers? Where do these numbers come from. I don't assume ANYONE gets off pushing a 75 year old to the pavement. Based on that statement alone I will assume you have no idea what you are talking about and your end of the conversation is running 100% on emotion and that makes for incredibly bad debate. You obviously have some heavy animosity (and I'm being kind here) towards law enforcement. It appears to be deep rooted and that's not good. You paint with an extremely broad brush. Here are the words you've used to describe law enforcement in just a few posts Abusers Assaulting Criminal Killing Cult culture of violence Disrespect Permeates Sick ***** Dog ***** Terrorists Their organization murders and assaults people Killing animals Abusing drugs Committing domestic violence on their families. You have some major anger issues which makes you sound just like the law enforcement officers you're talking about.
  12. What percentage of cops would you estimate to be potential murderers, assailants, drug abusers and partake in domestic violence? You've had a knife to your throat? What did you do to earn that? And you talked this person out of killing you with empathy? I would consider yourself very lucky.
  13. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! How about a comfy chair? How about poking them with soft cushions? You're a recent graduate of our wonderful university system aren't you? I hope you never find yourself confronted with a violent person and you try to use your empathy and understanding with them. I'm sorry but they don't understand that.
  14. Obviously. Why you don't have a clue on how to discuss/debate with people. But you'd think a lawyer would be well versed in psychology. Hmmmm..... I guess I know as much about what you do as you do about me. That's fair. It is? So you're saying it doesn't exist? I'm calling rule #3.5 on you!
  15. I looked up clusterfuk in the dictionary and you may, or may not, be surprised to hear there is a picture of the Minneapolis City Council. https://www.dailywire.com/news/minneapolis-city-council-panics-over-surge-in-violence-after-demonizing-police-where-are-the-police
  16. Hence the title of Woke Supremacists.
  17. Afford is one thing. Responsible for is another. I thought ACA was going to fix this? So now you're saying that a company is responsible for people they no longer employ?
  18. Ok whatever you say counselor. Stick with law because you suck at psychology. You worry me but you sure as hell to not instill fear.
  19. Ohhhh now they are worried about them. Funny how you've changed your tune.
  20. It didn’t work at all according to the Woke Supremacists screaming “SYSTEMIC RACISM!!” If it had worked it would no longer exist right? My point is that racism exists and will always exist. We’re all waiting for the evidence that it’s systemic.
  21. I highly doubt it. It’s not about what I’ve done or not done that had bored me. It’s your M.O. that is boring. I’ll ask again. Why didn’t Affirmative Action work against your claims of systemic racism.
  22. You said the people here tremble in fear of ANTIFA and you come back with Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump!! Boring.
  23. So how angry are you at criminals or is this selective empathy?
  24. We fear ANTIFA? Where did you get that from? Intelligence? Seriously? Hoax! Fake! Link! Rule#2 You mean that little bit of intelligence? 🙄
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