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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So red states are the reason businesses in NYC are closed? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’d ask you to explain that but you’ll just call me a poopy head. 🙄
  2. I loved the crickets moment in that. LOL
  3. And the reasons these businesses are closed permanently and who made the decisions to close them and keep them closed.
  4. You make me angry? Nah, ya bore me. It is hilarious that you throw out the Rule #2 but you rarely follow it yourself. Hence the boredom. No I wouldn't fire them. I'd not bring them aboard in the first place. What does decision on who I help have to do with the depth of my experience? Show a lot more about my character than my expertise. Wouldn't you agree? So you are a troll and have no desire to discuss the topic at hand which was "how would you define ANTIFA as an organization and why do you consider them a hoax?" And why are you constantly changing the subject? What's the matter Colonel Sanders........chicken?
  5. What guys are a dime a dozen? Tell me oh wise one. What do I do for a living?
  6. Good one. LOL I'm just looking for clarification on points you all make. Funny how you guys don't respond to those questions. You attack me , ignore me, or change the subject. Why (HA!) is that I wonder?
  7. You absolutely fire someone who pays you. If they don't follow my advice I don't give a flying ***** how much they pay me. I kick them to the curb. I don't need them. They need me. That is the epitome of self worth. But I understand why you don't get that.
  8. Through stones? Please tell me that was done on purpose. I capitalized Grammarian because I was giving you some respect for you new found profession.
  9. You don't take advice on securities from guys on the internet? That's good. Just so you know, I have not, nor will I ever, give you any advice on securities over the internet. And speaking of securities advice. You STILL don't know what I do which is embarrassing for you. I wish you luck and hope you don't make any more stupid mistakes with your plan. Hmmm I have not brought up Trump's lies in this conversation so I'm not sure why you keep bringing it up. Wait, I know why. You don't know how to answer my question of how you would define ANIFA without coming off as an idiot. So to keep from looking like an idiot in your mine you come across as an idiot in everyone else's mind. So I'll ask one last time. How would you define ANTIFA? Why do you consider it a hoax? Stop being boring. And I'm being kind.....for now.
  10. When you've lost an argument you go after grammar. Borrrrrrrring!
  11. Politicians would die in the private sector. How long have they had to develop a plan?
  12. When you've lost an argument you discuss grammar. And I'm not asking if IT is an invention of Trump because they are not. I'm asking YOU how you would define IT? And now that I think about it I would love to be your advisor. Reason is firing you would be the height of my day.
  13. Sorry you're having trouble following. It was right in my second sentence who the "They" was I was referring. You must be real busy sussing out all those Hoaxes so I understand. Anyway the "They" I referring to was ANTIFA. So you truly think that ANTIFA is all in the imagination of Trump. If you don't how would you define them?
  14. Soooo what exactly are they? You are all over the place. Seriously. How would you define the organization?
  15. Oh no he’ll be front and center. Likely because this is a hoax of his creation.
  16. Oh I see. So you DO think they are an invention of Trump. Care to elaborate?
  17. You are not confused. You nailed it in your first sentence. How would you define them?
  18. So are you suggesting that ANTIFA is a creation of Trump’s? So you bring up a very good point. ANTIFA is a hoax because they are fighting an invisible enemy. They wouldn’t know fascism if it hit them in the face.. This is why I’ve always considered them for what they really are. Anarchist. Plain and simple. Now on to the point of my post. What makes you think they are a hoax. It’s not that difficult. You can’t argue against my point so you respond with nonsense. I hope you fall in.
  19. Yeah I got the joke. My doctor told me to stay away. He’s busy and I’m in such good health he doesn’t need to see me. Now to the point of the post........?
  20. I would say a majority of Americans say McDonalds is some seriously good eats. Polling did American public is far from reality.
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