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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And you never jump between literal and general meanings counselor? I'll make sure to point out when you do. Yes I want to be your financial advisor to go through the joy of firing your ass.
  2. Hey @SectionC3 See you next Tuesday!
  3. Hey you have a point. Good for you However only a colossal dick would bag on someone for a word. The only reason I'd want to be your financial advisor so you'd be out of the dark with exactly what it is I do. Then I can fire you.
  4. I don't. This is just proving I'm right in my decision to quit on all sports.
  5. If there was another candidate they would be the only candidate. You understand how the nomination system works don't you? Do you this much trouble following along when someone tells you how to tie your shoes or are you a massive dick then too? He's attacking the left not the woman. But you either knew that and you're still being a massive dick or you have a major problem following. Which is it I wonder. Oh, I'm going with massive dick on this one. Carry on counselor. Oh yeah. Confirmation of my massive dick insinuation.
  6. Interesting how you follow actual chaos with a meme you've used dozens of times. Here's a link for you. https://lmgtfy.app/?q=critical+thinking
  7. Interesting. So you assume that because I support the President I am in lockstep with EVERYTHING he says? Do you jump to these conclusions with everything in life? Regardless this not only makes you a fool but a colossal fool! Dance jester dance! BTW. Which candidates have you supported in the past and which ones are you supporting now?
  8. Oh no. He was actually spot on. His response to over-regulation is..... Chicken Shite! Finally he speaks the truth.
  9. Conservatives support predatory sexual behavior? You make up ***** with every post now don't you.
  10. Thank you Mr Biden however................ I'M A ***** POTATO FARMER!!!! And what a condescending prick. "How are you feeling now Julie?" She played the adult in the room with her response of "Good Evening" Good job Julie.
  11. I see. What Trump fantasies do I believe in? And you're going to assume that if I believe in one thing he say or believe in I believe in everything he says or believes in? Only fools work on that logi........oh wait. Never mind. It all makes sense now. Carry on counselor.
  12. Well hardly epic seeing it is an “event” proposed by a Canadian group. I’m not sure Canada has done anything epic in its history. And if they did would this be considered an invasion by a foreign country? 😂
  13. Borrrring. You love making ***** up don’t you? Please point out where what has prompted you to come the conclusion I’m scared.
  14. I thought this was about the questions from the nonexistent audience.
  15. You laugh at my post about hoping you can go beyond a childish meme and this is youR first post. And not only is it childish it drips irony. Good lord.
  16. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. I really hope he can get out of the childish meme world and actually debate.
  17. I demand nothing. It’s called dialog. It’s called a debate. It’s called a conversation. Why not engage?
  18. Until the color of a stateIs of no more significance than the color of its grassMe say war
  19. So you have no response? Answer the question.
  20. Why are businesses in NYC and CA closed for good? Why is this the fault of red states? Do you believe in States Rights?
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