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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yup. And congratulate the winner and their supporters regardless.
  2. The better analogy in this case is blaming the Vegas odds makers.
  3. You’re one of those guys that blames the refs when the Bills lose or the Pats win aren’t you?
  4. If I made you dinner it would likely be the best meal you’ve ever had. Well it’s not hard to top McDonalds but you get my point.
  5. Same with this one @Doc. He somehow thinks this is an insult. Clueless (and dumb) as usual.
  6. They have ads out here catering to people thinking of leaving.
  7. No, no it’s not. It’s not dumb at all for him.
  8. Perfect. I would have moved on pretty quickly the minute you asked me if I was beating the S&P. Good luck. Hope you don’t do anything stupid.
  9. A wise man many years ago once said “elections have consequences.”
  10. Triggered? Not at all. Though that was your intent of course which is pretty pathetic. You need to work harder to trigger me. Any way let’s continue the conversation. What’s your plan? I can’t make a “pitch” without knowing.
  11. So you have no interest in having an adult conversation. What was I thinking? I should have known better.
  12. To your first yes then why is he not banning it completely and looking for ways to have it, and it’s security, taken over by US companies? If he was that spiteful wouldn’t he ban it completely? Or is this a total play against China’s data mining?
  13. I agree. While many have said the Dems were keeping her “on ice” until after the election I’m thinking they wised up and “killed her off” early. 😉
  14. You honestly think that is why he wants to “shut it down”? And you do realize he’s not banning the app outright correct?
  15. I like a few of the things Trump does. Like finally standing up to China, reducing Federal Regulations and reducing taxes for many people But mostly how he has those on the left acting like idiots. If that makes me a “Trumptard” in your mind so be it. I couldn’t give a flip about what you think about anything. Why don’t I question those attacking Biden? Simple. I don’t care for him whatsoever so I agree with their attacks for the most part. And mainly because they are not as baseless as many of the attacks on Trump are. Why do you hear Nancy Kerrigan? 😁
  16. But his assertions of facts have been largely factual. Well that’s some incredible doublespeak right there.
  17. Wait....politicians being hypocritical?? Say it ain’t so. To those that bow to either party I say you get what you wish for.
  18. What I have seen the past several weeks are restaurants figuring out how to survive this idiotic shutdown. If they have a parking lot they have used that outdoor space for seating. I had dinner last night at a local restaurant and they took a majority of their parking lot and turned it into an outdoor dining area. I see that all over town. Couple that with being allowed to utilize 25% of their indoor dining (oh thank you, thank you daddy Newsom!) they are likely at or close to 100% of their original seating capacity. I can see it now when this is over. GM: King Newsom is allowing us to fully reopen our indoor dining. And the city is also allowing us to keep the outdoor dining. So we’ve decided to keep the outdoor seating. Kitchen Staff: Nooooooooooooo......... BTW I’ve had a business model in mind for years where the kitchen staff is bonused if they go over a specific number of covers a night.
  19. I think I'm on year 5 of virtually no NFL/Sports in general. Not missing it at all. My movie theater boycott is nearing 15 years. Fugg these overpaid numb skulls.
  20. My thought exactly. Try a salad once in awhile my dear.
  21. I won't be a Portland supporter in Portland. Wither away a die economically.
  22. I'm happy as hell shining a light on how big a dick you are. Misogynistic? Tell me more. Not a clue in the world what I'd do with your money. What's your plan?
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