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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Ha!! Why did I quit? I got tired of getting excited after 2 games and having the carpet pulled out from under me. It's two game dude. See me in December! As I said at the time when I gave up on them. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me 17 times I'm out. And I also came to the conclusion to me football is a horribly boring way to spend my Sundays. Watching football on TV? Borrrrrrring. Almost as boring as "debating" with @SectionC3 Not quite as but a close second. I spent the day yesterday at the gym. Took a hike. Sat out in the sun and enjoyed the view from my house. Fired up the grill. Read a book. Awesome day. I didn't even know who they were playing until the 2 minute warning at the end of the game.
  2. Ah I see. You constantly throw out Hoax! Fake! Rule #2! When it's thrown back at you, you turn tail and run. That is was a coward/troll does. Thanks for shining a light on who you really are. My work is done here.
  3. No silly rules. I want you to prove that the VAST majority of the lies here are told by conservatives. And no coming back with "the vast majority of the posters here are conservative." Proof, based on percentage of posts (because that's the only metric that works), that the vast majority of lies here are told by conservatives.
  4. Ok I’ll play your childish little game. I’ll need to see proof of your treating as fact that the VAST majority of lies here are told by conservatives. For someone that doesn’t like lies you may have told a whopper of a lie there. Or were you just being the disingenuous troll you’ve become!
  5. As I mentioned in another thread. Many years ago a wise man once said “elections have consequences.”
  6. Ok this is just becoming childishly stupid.
  7. Well good to see you at least amuse yourself.
  8. So tell me oh wise what. Who are you dealing with? And for someone with these magical powers you seem to know very little about me. It’s a ***** sub forum of a football message board. Get over yourself.
  9. You posted a picture of my wife. So who knows what else you’d post about me. I put nothing past you at this point. 🙄 I’ve never run to the mods. That’s all inside your tiny mind. And you couldn’t care less about me? Dude you’re looking me up on the internet. Hell I don’t even know where my resume is online (well other than LinkedIn) but you seem to have found it. You’re right that’s no creepy. That’s sad dude.
  10. I always thought the monicker Sleepy Joe was dumb. I’m starting to change my thoughts about that.
  11. I’m confused. Has my ego plastered my resume all over the internet (as you originally claimed) or did you find it using your super duper internet decoder ring? Which is it? Regardless your infatuation is slipping out of cute and working it’s way to creepy.
  12. So again you’ve looked up my resume? Sorry, I’m taken. But again it’s very cute that your have such a crush on me you’ve looked me up in that much depth.
  13. Where online are you creeping on me that you seem to know all about where I’ve worked? Does your wife know you’re creeping on men? I’m surprised you’ve not shared my resume here like you did that picture of my wife.
  14. I complete forgot there were games today. I love my football free Sundays. 😃
  15. It’s not about Biden? Not at all? Well that’s pretty sad for the Democrats. And they’d vote for anyone? ***** dude that is really REALLY sad. I hope you realize that. I’d like to know how many conservatives here didn’t vote for McCain or Romney. I’ll raise my hand there. And the ONLY reason I voted for Trump was because there was no viable third party. And we’re the freaks. 🙄
  16. Well what we see on this board is that almost no one on the left is saying good things about Biden. Instead of supporting Biden all they do is trash Trump. Now don’t get me wrong the right has done its share of trashing the Biden/Harris ticket but at least they are also supporting Trump to some extent. That has to be very difficult for the left. We will hold our nose and vote for Trump but they will 🙈🙉🙊 and vote for Biden.
  17. I thought it was more racists or something. APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION!!
  18. It’s not? And you’re seen my resume? You have a crush on me or something? That is so cute. And Chili’s may be a step up from McDonals but hardly fine dining.
  19. So the new and improved (but still boring) SectionC3. Adding triggering (aka trolling) to his rules, hoax and fake comments. Good. Now why do you and others have an issue when I challenge?. I don’t call them lies. People usually aren’t lying. They often believe their assertions. I’m just trying to see what logic (if any) drew them to their conclusions.
  20. Oh he will absolutely accept them. Well unless Trump wins of course.
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