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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. See that god dam peen ball hammer? Up your ass I’ll ***** jam her!
  2. Dude that is easy. Cops never ever EVER kill on the defense. They only kill on offense.
  3. Again you are making a VERY failed argument comparing the dangers of different professions. How much time do farmers, loggers, fishermen spend in public during their line of work? I grew up with farmers and that number is virtually zero. The chance of getting killed/injured in a profession is not part of the conversation. It’s the manner in which they are killed/injured. Again you’re comparing apples to monkey wrenches. The only profession you are close to a comparison is taxi drivers. Who is giving them a pass for unbridled violence? No one! So there is nothing there to help you understand. What pretty much everyone here has an issue with is you seem to paint with a broad brush. A vast majority of cops are great at what they do. It’s kind of like planes vs autos. Autos kill a hell of a lot more people than planes every year but when a plane goes down it makes headline news
  4. No hoax. You're a troll. And the light has been shone brightly on you. Here Done Work
  5. There is danger and there is danger. Name me one other profession where during the course of your day you are mostly dealing with people who have broken the law? Name me one other profession that deals with people that are sometimes carrying weapons. Name me one other profession where sitting in your office (cruiser) you have to be concerned with someone coming up to your "office" and attempting to assassinate you. Name me one other profession where people you are dealing with try to run you over with their vehicle. Name me one other profession where the people they often are dealing with hate them. And yes you will come back and say they are hated because of their brutality. Farmers? Ha. How many farmers have been murdered by a stalk of corn? Loggers? Ha. How many loggers have been run over by a tree? Fisherman? Ha. How many fish have attempted to assassinate a fisherman while on his boat Electricians? Ha. How many electrician have been beaten by a wire? Roofers? Ha. How many shingles have broken the law? Yada....yada...yada So quite comparing apples to monkey wrenches. And I'll ask again. What will reducing/reallocating/repurposing of funds that are now used for law enforcement accomplish. You seem to be dodging this one. I think they need MORE money to be better trained. Sorry I didn't address your last point. Is it my perception that the deployment of lethal force in the military is stricter than the US police? I have no idea. I am not familiar with the rules of engagement of either.
  6. I'm not sure if you're approaching this with pie in the sky intentions. I sure hope you want be satisfied until all police brutality is eliminated. That, of course, will never happen. Police work is EXTREMELY high pressure. They are dealing in situations that are very volatile with dangerous individuals who often have nothing to live for or worse would relish in the opportunity to "take out" a cop. So having said that the fact that police sometime react in the way they do is understood and will never be eliminated. Whereas you see situations where police overreacted violently I think of the thousands of other situations where they acted with extreme care and professionalism. Those situations, in my opinion. VASTLY outnumber the cased of police brutality. Again enough of the semantics of the English language. What will reducing/reallocating/repurposing of the funds that go into law enforcement now accomplish? Where will it go and what will the enforcement of our laws after said funding changes look like?
  7. No worries on the typo. I believe in better training of the police on how to best de-escalate situations along with PSA's on what do to when you're pulled over or stopped by the police and the consequences of not doing so. This is a two sided problem here and to put all the blame on the police is irrational and myopic. And to your second point. If we remove police funding we abolish the police no? That is not a strong correlation that is the ONLY correlation. We are speaking English here correct?
  8. Where did I say partial defunding? Why don't we stop beating around the bush. Why don't you tell me what DEFUNDING THE POLICE means to you and what exactly you attempt to accomplish by this. Once you've done that we shall debate the pros and cons of defunding the police. Fair enough?
  9. I am not going to argue this with you. Let's go with your definition of partial funding. What will this accomplish? Are you looking a punitive action here?
  10. If you're defining it as removing 100% of funding yes.
  11. So you're calling for the abolition of police?
  12. That is NOT the definition of defund my friend. I think you may have missed Merriam-Websters little disclaimer at the new definition of defund. Just in case you missed it I'll show you here: These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'defund.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Anyway so be specific. Are you calling for withdrawal of 100% of funding for the police? EDIT #2 What is OAN and I've almost never gone to Breitbart. Assume much??
  13. I'm looking for evidence that Republicans are taking food and education from children. That's all I'm doing. If that's coming across as mean I suggest you find another place to debate. And thanks for your pity but I don't need your pity.
  14. So wait. The Woke Supremacists have co-opted Merrium-Webster? Not that is sad. Just ***** shoot me now.
  15. If you're going to say that Republicans have been going after healthcare, food and public education of children for decades then we ARE done here. You also think all (or at least a vast majority) of cops are bad. You think that Republicans are anti-child. So we have nothing more to discuss. You're angry (even though you said you're not), you're irrational, emotional and you lack the ability to think critically. Not the type of person I care to engage with. Good luck with your crusade.
  16. What things that ensure the health and financial wellbeing are not supported by conservatives (I'm not using your term Republicans as many of us abhor them too)?
  17. I do owe you an apology. I was calling you a tool. I was wrong. I'm sorry. You're a troll Work Here Done Oh the irony.
  18. My interpretation makes a HELL of a lot more sense and is grounded in reality.
  19. The second sentence here is in reference to the idiots getting their skulls knocked by the police I presume?
  20. Portland doesn't have an NFL team so they got that goin' for them............which is nice.
  21. I will say going to a game live is far from boring. But then again I don't drink anymore so even a live game might be boring now too.
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