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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Two points. 1. ***** you! 2. So criminals reap what they sow too? 3. ***** you! Sorry that was three.
  2. You’re the one that was wondering what was continuing. It’s obvious. The Trump Train!
  3. Is that where your mind goes the minute you see a police officer? And you wonder why you receive personal attacks.
  4. I think someone needs to look on the definition of continuation.
  5. Of course I’ve ignored every every single story you’ve posted here because you’re calling every cops a terrorist because a few “bad apples”. A threat to everyone and everything they meet. Good lord man. You are in a sad sad place. I hope you never find yourself in a horrible wreck and relying on a evil police officer to pull you to safety. Oh and was this you? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJUSguAW/ I have nothing more to say to you on this topic.
  6. I’m not avoiding your data at all. It’s not your data that’s the problem. The problem is YOU and how you’ve allowed your emotions and biases against law enforcement to cloud your ability to think critically and use the data. In your mind a few cops are bad therefore they are all bad. One of the worst conclusions I’ve ever heard. By BIL has nothing to do with my attitude towards law enforcement. My attitude was formed long before her joined the force. What made my situation “great”? It was the professionalism and empathy the officer had. And the reason it occurred had nothing to do with the officer and everything to do with me. Are evil crimes only violent ones? Is dealing drugs to addicts or even children a violent crime? Is arresting someone for driving blind drunk a violent crime? Is burglary a violent crime? Is bribery a violent crime? Is racketeering a violent crime? The answer to all them is NO! Are they evil? ***** yes. You are lost my friend. I wish you luck and hope you never need a great cop to help you. Because God forbid you see the good side of law enforcement which likely makes up a large majority of law enforcement.
  7. Well when I ask questions they cry, ignore or run away.
  8. It's so cute how you all get so excited after two wins to start the season. TRUMP2020! Abby Normal called and wants her brain back.
  9. I know it was a loooooooooooooong time ago but when I was a child and threw a temper tantrum I NEVER got what I wanted. And usually when I finally gave up I had forgotten what the tantrum was all about. I'm seeing similarities.
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/us/missouri-teacher-charged-with-hiring-hitman-to-kill-student-10-who-he-allegedly-molested-report Teachers belong to a terrorist organization! https://abcnews.go.com/US/michigan-accountant-accused-killing-boss-embezzlement/story?id=24348449 Accountants belong to a terrorist organization! I've worked with three chef's who have murdered someone Chefs belong to a terrorist organization! See how silly you sound?
  11. How many GOOD encounters have their been with police officer where they performed GREAT services for the public? I think it's safe to say it is a pretty high percentage. But you focus on the negative and when you see blue you think terrorist. From what I've seen there are over 10,000,000 arrests each year but you have come up with dozens...DOZENS of violent interactions. See the error of your conclusions? I've had only GREAT experiences with police officers. And that includes while handcuffed in the back of a cruiser as I thanked him for his service. He was in the military before becoming a police officer. My brother in law is a cop and the one of the nicest guys I've ever met. But don't be shy. Share yours. It might shine a light on your attitude towards those in blue. And if you make one more comparison between law enforcement and middle eastern terrorists................
  12. No 13 pages of a person who seems to have lost it saying ALL cops are murderers, terrorists and killers of dogs and autistic children. I'll change my line of questioning. Have you had any BAD encounters with law enforcement? I'm waiting for an adult to join the conversation. I don't have conversations with the guys yelling at the sky on Market street in SF either.
  13. This is as far as I got. I have nothing more to say to you other than get some help ok man. I'm serious.
  14. Dumb*****ingfoundedness. Not sure if that's an emotion but it's what I'm feeling now.
  15. I'm just trying to figure out what caused such hatred. Are their bad cops? Abso*****inglutely. But to take that and say ALL cops are bad and not just bad but terrorist is the sign of someone that has become unhinged. I'm trying to help him see the errors of his thinking.
  16. Why am i hung up on the word terrorist? It's just a collection of words? Words have meaning and you are calling every police officer a terrorist. Have you never ever in your life had a GREAT interaction with a police officer? Something happened to you in your past that has really ***** up your ability to think critically regarding law enforcement. It's kind of scary man. See a shrink.
  17. Sorry if I'm being redundant with my line of questions. I'm just so floored at your responses that you can't be saying that. So I'll ask again. In your mind is every police officer a terrorist?
  18. So every police organization, officers, unions and leadership are part of a terrorist organization? This is THEIR whole motivation? This is why THEY exist is to terrorize the public? Because when you say THEY you are insinuating all. Is that what you're saying here?
  19. Sorry my mistake. I clarified when I asked the second time. WHO are the THEY I've highlighted in your response.
  20. Pretty clear the first time. Who are the they you are referring to that I highlighted? Clarifying what someone is saying by asking questions is moronic? Asking questions to get people to engage in a debate is moronic? Asking questions to get people to think critically about what they have said is moronic? No, what's moronic are the insinuations that people spout here with nothing to back it up. That's moronic.
  21. Interesting how very few have had any issue with the EC until Trump. Had the results been reversed and Trump won the majority and Clinton won the EC would ANY of those crying on the left have had a problem with it? Rhetorical question of course.
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