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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Interesting. How would you define a far-right whack job? I'd interested in what box you've put me in.
  2. I tried to move further but the Pacific Ocean got in the way. I appreciate your concern. I'll be ok thanks.
  3. He’s a troll who’s top priority is to get under people’s skin. And an extremely boring troll at that.
  4. They have failed to bring him down time and time again. Like losers? Vote Democrat.
  5. Propaganda. Bwahahahahahaha. You are so predictable. "Yes, even ax murderers kiss babies." Ok man you win. I'm out. Have a wonderful life you angry whack job. Enjoy your crusade. Worthless pig-man in your phoney blue uniformYou try to tell me what to do but I never will conformIn my world there are no limits or lawsKill the police before we're all robotsKill the policeKill the whole forceSmash the systemDestroy the courtsOn a power trip with your useless authorityYour life is nothin' but your false sense of securityI hope you all die on the street todayI hope you all die in a deadly wayIt's all a lie what they try and sell youIf they can't make a case, they're gonna frame youWanted or on bail can you ever be freeIt's time to take action, kill the police
  6. Two can play your dumbass game. Mine were a hell of a lot easier to find that yours. And this was just the first page on YouTube. Using your warped logic and based on these videos ALL COPS ARE GREAT
  7. ANTIFA's sole purpose for existing is NOT about violence but fighting violence (sometimes in a violent fashion). This makes them not a terrorist organization but an organization with some bad actors. Law Enforcement sole's purpose for existing is NOT about violence but fighting violence (sometimes in a violent fashion). Wouldn't that also make them NOT a terrorist organization but an organization with bad actors? Seems logical no?
  8. This isn't about ATIFA/BLM/ISI/Al-Qaeda. This is about the absurdity of you claiming (so much so you started a whole thread on it)that law enforcement as a terrorist organization. Again it's absolutely hilarious that you define terrorist based on the number of deaths that group has caused. Just a tip son. Violence does not equal death.
  9. I've already defined a terrorist organization. It it falls under those definition then any member of that organization is a terrorist. Law enforcement, based on that definition, is NOT a terrorist organization. Unless your ability to think critically is clouded by hate as yours is. What does ISIS have to do with this? Nice strawman. I'm talking whether or not law enforcement is a terrorist organization. That is the side of the debate I'm taking plain and simple. But you knew that. I'll ask again. Was the child targeted?
  10. I am not here to identify which groups ARE terrorists. I'm here to show that law enforcement is NOT a terrorist organization.
  11. Someone that is part of an organized terrorist group who's SOLE purpose is to use of violence and intimidation for a political purpose. Was the child targeted?
  12. It's not terrorism. And the case you linked is not terrorism.
  13. I have not defended the use of lethal force on it's citizens. Not one ***** bit. You don't even have a clue what you're arguing against. Slow down, relax, take a deep breathe and pay attention. You're so wrapped up in your "all cops are terrorists" you cannot think. Does terrorism exist? Ummm yeah. Why do you ask. You do understand why I said they reap what they sow right?
  14. So saying they reap what they sow makes me immoral?
  15. I'm amoral? I'M amoral? Look in the mirror skippy. You call all cops terrorist and pigs. You cheer the shooting of cops and I'M the amoral one. You are one massive hypocrite. You do realize that correct?
  16. And this is why I'll never feel bad about anything that happens to a protestor. I have a question for you. Is my statement absurd?
  17. Crushing their heads!! You reap what you sow. Awesome! You reap what you sow. Beautiful! You reap what you sow.
  18. WTF. I swore I typed mobster. Well anyway. Mobster? Even BETTER!!
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