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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. @Alaska Darin You’re a Trump supporter? Huh you’ve changed since you’ve been away. But seriously what on God’s green earth does his post have to do with Trump. Here let me answer for you. NOTHING!!!
  2. 😂😂😂 I’ve seen some dumb tweets posted here but this one is pretty much top of that list. @BillStime Posting dumb ***** since 2016 (or whenever he joined) My edit makes as much sense as your original post.
  3. @BillStime Thanks for proving my point. Not that I needed you to but thanks anyway. 👍🏻
  4. I see. This thread should be deleted because @BillStime hasn’t had an original thought in years? Makes sense.
  5. Please list how/where/when he has “crapped all over” the Constitution.
  6. Is that what it takes for the Dems to balance the Senate? That’s pretty pathetic.
  7. You also think Deek and I are the same person? You and BillsTime are cut from the same cloth aren’t you?
  8. All I'll say at this point is it's another selection based on gender vs the best candidate. I have an issue with that. The minute Trump said his pick was going to be a woman I felt the exact same way that I felt when Biden based is VP pick on gender AND color.
  9. When it's the only constant. The issue is that when politicians are involved the change often is suggested with zero or little thought regarding the long term ramifications of the change. The infamous "we have to pass it to see what's in it" sticks out in my mind.
  10. Actually you have it backwards but that is par for your course.
  11. And yes I know places that have legalized drugs have not seen a spike in drug abuse. I cannot deny these studies I just personally find it very hard to believe. A TON of thought needs to be put into this of course. We can't just legalize drugs and tell the population to "have at it!" However asking our government to think before doing is a very scary notion. EDIT: This thread has taken a turn. That NEVER happens here. LOL
  12. I think the most telling issue with this is that he thought he was being clever. Where oh where is our third party?
  13. That a good point but that cost is for the addicts who get care. How many will not seek care? How many will become homeless? Not saying homelessness is a major cost but is a cost. It's also blight and a huge health issue. It's a concern. Do we then scoop them up and force them into treatment? I think it's safe to say that along with mental illness and alcohol abuse the biggest cause of homelessness is drug addiction. And how many of those released from incarceration will have nowhere to go? How many of them will end up on the streets? Of course it's a VERY complicated issue and why we, as a society, have turned a blind's eye to it.
  14. Policing is not the issue it's the legality. You know for a FACT that if drugs were legalized a LOT more people would be using that do not now use because it's illegal. Hell how many of us have not even smoked pot in the past because our firms drug test. I was the Chef of a restaurant and they drug tested the team. Are you ***** kidding me? Of course obesity is a huge cost to society. But you can't outlaw food. Well you can try. Bezerkely just disallowed stores to sell junk food at the check out. So now if you want a Mars Bar you have to go find it. If we outlawed stupidity we'd all be in a much better place.
  15. So first you think Deek and I are the same now you think 4mer and DR Are the same? Stick with your childish boring memes. You are SO much better at those.
  16. Just don’t expect me to pay for their sorry ass because they’re too ***** up to take care of themselves. Therein lies the problem.
  17. I don’t know. I just thought we were listening to old athletes as if their opinions on anything other than sports meant something.
  18. I saw several Asians. Or are they the wrong color? Woah. That's some real deep ***** right there man.
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