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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I guess he got an anatomy lesson today folks. Trolls have no balls.
  2. What do you want the phone numbers of the people that I went to school with so you can call them and confirm our relationships today? Rule #2. Why not have some ***** balls (I know @SectionC3 has shown he has none) and have an adult conversation/debate. So ask me any questions you like.
  3. They don’t. Home schooling, in my mind, is dumb. I understand why many have chosen that route but the social aspects of being with other children is crucial. To take that away from a child doesn’t make sense. It was extremely important. The relationships I still have 50 years later and 3,000 miles apart with some of those people is amazing.
  4. Here’s to a speedy recovery to POTUS and FLOTUS On a lighter note if Biden has it they HAVE to put them both in the same room and set up a stream of them. I’d watch that ***** all day man. That would be gold!
  5. Speaking of punching bags. 🙄
  6. Who was CA Bills Fan? I suggest you stick to keeping your monickers straight.
  7. So someone’s opinion of someone is a fact? I call you an idiot. Lots of people agree with me. So that in fact makes you an idiot? Wonderful logic counselor.
  8. It was weird. I listen to a talk show on KSFO on my morning commute via iHeart. There was an emergency broadcast alert ordering mandatory evacuations in Santa Rosa.
  9. So you got nothing. That’s what I figured. Carry on.
  10. I see. And you're basing these very serious accusation on what exactly? Or are you making things up again? The funny thing is you have zero idea why most of us like Trump. You display the reason here every day all day but you don't even get it. LOL
  11. Aaahhhhh I long for the good ole days before Donald Trump when racism and hate never existed.
  12. I was 12 he was 13. LOL I'm up at 5:15am M-F and earlier on weekends.
  13. That was a great show. Chi Chi Rodriquez.
  14. I had a friend who delivered the CE. I delivered the Buffalo News and the Batavia daily. I thought he was crazy for having to get up so early for his route.
  15. It getS hot here every year. The Santa Ana winds blow here every year. As a matter of fact it’s relatively recent that homeowners are required to clear brush from around their homes. We used to get a notification from the Oakland FD that they inspected our property and if we needed to do any trimming. So what’s changed? 🤔
  16. Jill: I want to thank you all for coming Attendee #1: WHAT?? Jill: I said thank you for all for coming. Attendee #2: WHAT?? Attendee #3: She said “Joe said your hair is very stunning”
  17. Was there a game today? Huh. Another calm, quiet, relaxing Sunday for me. 😁
  18. My wife wants to go to England. I can’t understand why she wants to go there. Does that make me a racist?
  19. And they are 100% right! And Trump won the election. Glad you’re coming around. And as a very wise man once said a long time ago..... Elections have consequences.
  20. What does the moderator’s politics or feelings for either participant in a debate have to do with this? Rhetorical question.
  21. Mrs Barrett: No. My husband and I have worked very hard and have taken it upon ourselves to make sure all our children are well taken care of. Thank you for your concern.
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