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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Absolutely not a hoax. Trolls with no balls don't discuss, argue, debate. They type childish things such as: Hoax Fake Rule #2 Boring/ballless/troll.
  2. So now it all makes sense. A cop preyed on you at some point in your life. This is the reason why you hate them all. There are people that can help you with that.
  3. Oh I've been very clear on my beliefs. You're too blinded by hate to see them. Your level of hate is dangerous.
  4. It won't. I'm true to my word. Why do you have a problem with that?
  5. You saying he's having a hard time time figuring out the difference between the left and Democrats. You got the irony AND hypocritical award in one statement. Bravo!
  6. Oh this drips with irony. You are one of the biggest hypocrites here. And that says a LOT.
  7. It's funny I showed my 31 year old admin a picture of my high school the other day. She said "wow that's an old school!!" I told her it was new when I was there. LOL But seriously my mom was one of the first classes to move into that school in 1939,
  8. There's decorum and there's humor. There is always a place for humor.
  9. Thanks. I had my 40th reunion last year. There is something to be said for growing up in a small town.
  10. Yes, it explains you seem to know an awful lot about people who you know nothing about. Are you an engineer by trade by chance?
  11. So because he's a moron at times that makes this a hoax? Logic is not your strong suit.
  12. Only time will tell. I just look at my school years as some of the best times of my life. Even if I hated some of it them. I have recently been chatting with some folks I went to school with. Here we are on the cusp of turning 60 and these are people I've known since I was 5. The bond from the school days is unbreakable for me.
  13. I'm sorry. Did you respond to me by mistake because this has nothing to do with my post.
  14. Everyone Knows? I'm sorry I was being too kind when I called you a Fascist.
  15. BTW I'm very cynical by nature so the answer is often NO.
  16. This is a pretty asinine question. Do I believe what I'm told? Sometimes yes sometimes no. If you don't question you're not learning. That's why I laugh at those who give me ***** for asking questions.
  17. And you think cops are bad? Holy ***** dude. Have you found any common ground with me?
  18. No the idiots are the fascist trope. Not sure about my BIL. He's a real cat lover so he probably has killed a few dogs this week. But seriously why did you ask about my BIL killing dogs?
  19. Oh I imagine there are arranged social activities. But the growing up with your peers is more than arranged activities. It's just being together with the same group of kids for 13 years. Now yes families do move so that doesn't always happen but there are so many other spontaneous things that kids do when they are together that help determine who they will be. From passing notes, to sitting next to the girl you have a crush on, to sneaking a smoke in the bathroom (well that likely doesn't happen anymore) to getting punched in the nose after study hall. Yes your children have friends in the neighborhood. But in school you are surrounded by dozens of other kids with all different personalities. The hallways of school is a great place to lean how to function later in life. Home schooled kids miss a lot of that I would imagine.
  20. I blame a lot or our problems on lawyers. Should we go to war with lawyers? Dumb question.
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