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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Nope. This is not your typical supply/demand issue. It needs to be attacked from both sides. The cartel is not just going to allow the demand for their products to go away. I assume you have not done a lot of drugs in your life.
  2. One small part? It was the most important part of Ben’s message in my opinion. I tune out politicians being hypocrites. That ***** is boring seeing they are all constant hypocrites
  3. But it has a lot to do with what Ben said about marriage in this country. You DID listen to what you posted didn’t you?? 😏
  4. If people new and understood that our system is geared to benefit those that are married maybe it will become something people will consider again. This doesn’t mean I agree with the system. But that’s what we have right now. Example: My wife and I sell our primary residence we’ve lived in for two of the last five years and have a Cap Gain of $500k our taxes are $0. If a non-married individual does the same thing they would have a tax bill as high as $50k
  5. There is a word in your post that exemplifies YOUR disingenuous behavior. I was going to make you guess the word but that would be mean. That word is “caused”. No one is saying he’s caused it. That would be absurd. But just as I don’t blame him for inflation I do not blame him for this. However he’s in the big boy chair and it’s is problem to deal with. Now I am not saying I expect him, and him alone, to fix it. But for Christ sake. Let’s open the conversation and admit our porous border is part of the problem. It’s seems that many of you have never been hired as a manager to clean up the mess left by your predecessor. Pointing fingers is not the job of the new leader. It’s his/her job to roll up their sleeves and get to work.
  6. *****. That’s two bucks. You’re gonna break my bank Billy.
  7. Can’t get anymore random than this. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRQBWD35/
  8. Holy *****!!! I owe you a dollar. Give me your Venmo.
  9. Explain how it was all Clinton’s doing. To your second question. That’s a great question. My reply is that in my mind it’s better to look at who controlled the House and Senate and how the economy performed under them. The President isn’t Omnipotent and our government was designed that way. Now if the economy performed better under Democrat Congresses we’ll need to look into it. And just so you’re clear I am not a fan of Republicans either.
  10. I liked Trump but I could never watch his speeches.
  11. No dollar for you!!
  12. Dude. He’s been running for months. He’s not getting past the primaries.
  13. We need our infrastructure upgraded big time. My point, which you didn’t understand, is “don’t get all excited about these jobs as many are temporary.” I’ll give you a dollar for every post of yours you don’t mention Trump. By this time next year you may have enough money to buy a gallon of gas.
  14. People's Republic of Florida. That's a good one! Probably the state that gives it's citizens the biggest amount of liberty in the union. Just look at how they handled Covid as an example. Whether the outcome is good or bad they did not push their control on their citizens as places like NY and here in CA did.
  15. As you all know I'm very much a Conservative and I really know nothing about him other than he makes pillows.
  16. Or........ They may charter private jets to London then hop cruise ships to Miami after spending 10 days in 8 ports of call in the Caribbean. Those damn immigrants are loaded.
  17. That was very interesting.......
  18. I was back east this past summer and my brother in law who is a big conspiracy type guy said the Fed would need to raise rates to 25%. LOL. And yes the Fed is appointed by the Pres but act independently from the Administration. But the Fed often needs to print money to cover the spending/stimulus the Congress approves no?
  19. That the budget was not all Clinton’s doing.
  20. I will be paying very close to these 9,000,000 new jobs. Here’s the problem with infrastructure jobs. They are, for the most part, temporary. Now I do know that all 9,000,000 jobs will not be infrastructure construction however many will be.
  21. I was working on it but then is wigged out. And if you look REAL closely you see I was making a point.
  22. My question wasn’t about any and all job creation. I’m wondering how many jobs have been created that can be attributed directly to the infrastructure bill. It’s likely too early to tell but it will be interesting to see over time. It appears the the Biden Administration was smarter than the Obama Administration and didn’t tout this bill as “shovel ready”.
  23. Brilliant comeback Ned. BTW chicks dig smart guys that can cook. 😁
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