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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I never watched his show but I'm pretty sure he's always been this way. Has there been any remarkable changes in his behavior lately? I don't think so. Correct! I don't let it worry me at all! But then again I'm not a fat ***** with any comorbidity issues.
  2. @BullBuchanan Please clarify something for me. Do you consider all Law Enforcement as a terrorist organizations?
  3. It was your factoid and I'm just applying it to what I've seen from The Donald for many years now.
  4. Thanks for the advice but................ Sorry Scott I got nuthin other than my condolences for being dragged to the kiddy cesspool. As an ardent conservative that believes in full personal responsibility and from what I've heard I feel that DR made his own bed. I'm a manager by trade. We need to all grow up and take this shitstorm as a way to fix the mess that this board has become.
  5. It is my understanding there is no way to accurately determine where the virus was contracted.
  6. So based on this little factoid Trump has had dementia longer than most of us have been alive. Quite the feat.
  7. Says the guy who's incredibly angry over something he's made up. This is comedy gold right here.
  8. I’m so sorry that is a difficult concept for you to understand. But just so you know where you are this is NOT a Bills Forum.
  9. I love the fact you’re all excited about the Bills. Check the calendar folks. It’s 2020!!!
  10. Who said it was great? And no drinks for me.
  11. We are not all comrades in football. I think this is year 6 for me not really following the Bills. My saying at the time we “fool me once shame on you fool me 17 ***** times!! 😡😡” Now I have been to some tailgates since but that was for the friendships not the team Sunday’s in the fall and winter have been pure bliss!
  12. Hey!! Keep the sports talk out of here.
  13. Chef Jim. Heartburn free for 5 years (I think)
  14. Thanks for the explanation Scott. It was not easy for you but I think it was something we needed. To understand what happened. Again thanks.
  15. Lack of education is part of it. Thinking is a part of it. Laziness is a HUGE part of it.
  16. Marketing is strong. People are weak. Don’t be weak. Not directed at you of course. How I quit booze. Realizing it was all marketed horribly. It’s happy juice!! No, no it’s not.
  17. I’d be more general. Would he apply that same standard to someone he agreed with. You may self delete anytime you like. A free society is kinda cool in that regard. 🙄
  18. So let me get this straight. You are leaving it up to a very small select group if people to determine what is real and what is fake? Let me ask you. Let’s say you posted something that you truly thought was a fact and it was removed because ONE mod (who you may not even know) How would you feel/respond? How would you describe a community (and I’m sorry it truly is a community and should be looked at as such) that was operated in that fashion?
  19. I feel we have to have a serious conversation about health and aging in this country. What is the common theme with many that have died? Comorbidity is a huge problem. Eat a ***** salad and get some exercise for God’s sake.
  20. Not crying over a small few controlling who gets to speak and who doesn’t is very socialist like. You want that? Are you happy when those few who you disagree with are silence?
  21. Oh so now it’s MY fault? I enabled him? How, pray tell, did I enable him?
  22. I don’t want to be part of any community where someone has the power to deem was is factual and what is not. Yes it’s his board but without the community Scott is a very lonely man. You’d like that wouldn’t you? This has been mentioned many times before. That is what the ignore feature is all about. You consider someone a sham you ignore them. But to ban someone who many appreciate is not the correct course of action in my mind.
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