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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I wouldn’t call him hateful as much as pathetically immature with all those repetitive childish memes. Have some creativity for God’s sake. @meazza alt-right?? 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣
  2. That was you? Sorry man. Oh wait I started HS in 1975. That must have been some other dork. Carry on.
  3. I’ve been here 20 years with going on 50,000 posts. He’s going to have to try harder than that.
  4. Well great job! I’m pro legal abortion. Bet you feel like a tool now done you.
  5. So you interpret my laughing at you as anger? You’re not very good at interpreting emotions are you. Now I may give you a pass because it’s often difficult on a message but one would think that my bwahahahaha was a dead give away. Meet you half way? Would you be willing to concede that no more than half of law enforcement agencies are terrorist organizations? Can you come down that far?
  6. So a prerequisite to discuss politics (I’m far from alt-right but whatever. You go with that) here is to be a Bills fan? Are you really suggesting that?
  7. Hang on. Let me check to see who the original poster is. That'll be a big negatory. How many people die every year in car accidents? Are you afraid to drive? Do you stay at home? Avoid the freeway? I know three people (at least) personally that have died in car accidents. That's exactly 3 more people than I know who actually contracted the virus let alone died from it. Yes...don't be afraid of the virus.
  8. You've made me angry? Bwahahahahahahahaha............no. Interjecting Trump into a conversation that has nothing to do with Trump is another example of a simplistic mind. Let's see if you can hit the trifecta and bag on my religious beliefs.
  9. I'm glad I've amused you. Small minds are amused in simple ways.
  10. We are not discussing the finer points of the finance industry. It was a very simple question. I'm trying to figure your logic out. So I'll ask you again. Why are Credit Unions not a part of the White Collar Crime organizations? I am absolutely prepared to discuss it. And how were those interactions handled? Were the police polite? Were they professional? Did they kill your cat? They had to have done something horrible if they belong to a terrorist organization. I've had an "interaction" with the police that was far worse than anything you have mentioned. They dropped the ball terribly but guess what. I have compassion. I have empathy that I think you said you had in the past. If that was you it's one of the most hilarious lines of BS I've heard here. Anyway I don't blame them. I blame the high levels of crime their department has to handle. You know the real criminals.
  11. My buddies? I don't give a ***** what "my buddies" are doing. It's what he's doing that we're discussing here. Not sure what "my buddies" are doing has to do with it.
  12. Nope. You have it backwards. Because some cops have "terrorists" tendencies you have deemed the organizations they are part of as terrorists organizations and you take that to deem all cops a terrorists. Idiotic logic on display. Now back to my question you never answered. Why, in your mind, are credit unions not white collar criminal organizations? Again so much for new and improved. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm trying to get him to break down bawling like a baby with "ok ok. A police officer stole my puppy when I was 10!!!!" I'm a frustrated psychologist I think.
  13. Says the guy who brought up the police are terrorist in a conversation about free speech. Look in the mirror idiot. You're a mess.
  14. You have facts yes. And you use those facts and apply them liberally to all police officers. If you can't see the error of that I can't help you. Not one of us has said the police are angels. There are bad cops (and some are REAL bad) but there are also good cops. And for you to say all cops are bad is idiotic logic. You do NOT back up that ALL cops are terrorists. If you think that not one cop is in that very dangerous line of work to help people your brain is poison and I suggest you get it looked at. All cops hurt people? I gotta know. Something happened to you to have your brain formulate these very poorly arrived at conclusions. What was it Bull? You can tell us. This hatred is very deeply rooted and not from headlines but most likely from some very personal experiences.
  15. I've got nothing here. It is impossible to reason with you so I'll finally stop. It's sad that that you accuse people you've never met, have never seen the work they do, have never ridden in their cruiser or talked to them of being horrible people. Your brain is messed up. The saying "painting with a broad brush" doesn't even come close to explaining the logic (or lack thereof) of your thinking. Why are credit unions excluded from your white collar criminal organizations? The answer to this question will be very telling.
  16. I suggest you listen to the whole album start to finish. It's probably on YouTube
  17. So if it's not just a few "bad apples" then you are accusing EVERY cop as being involved in EVERYTHING listed in 1-5 regarding cops. EVERY cop is in on the terrorist organization? This is 100% conjecture on your part and I think it's very safe thing to say you are 100% WRONG and just have a very big ax to grind. Now regarding Financial Services. I'll just start out by saying you have no idea what Financial Services is if you think it's only banks. But I'll continue with your assumptions regarding banks. And I'll only address it with this. Banks are criminals who hurt people? Please go on............
  18. And we still like you which is kind of weird.
  19. Oh you're a newbie. Those are from after they jumped the shark. Cities on Flame Me 262 Buck's Boogie 7 Screaming Diz-Busters Subhuman Hot Rails to Hell Pretty much anything from On Your Feet or On Your Knees
  20. Before I answer are you looking for who I really am or who/what I identify as? This is 2020 after all.
  21. Well I'm not young either. I'm not of an age to be in that high risk category but I'm getting close. I think that's what you were referring to in your last part.
  22. So you consider everyone in the financial services industry white collar criminals?
  23. No one does?? So you're judging BOC on one song? How many of their songs are you familiar with?
  24. Just clarifying it before I ask you this question. So do you consider the financial services industry that has members fined millions and millions of dollars each year to be White Collar Crime Organizations?
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