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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Please explain what you mean. It what way do we "all" act that prompted you to come to that conclusion? Please find some quotes of mine or anyone else's that says "I'm a racists!!" And you can explain this too. What has prompted you to believe all those that have backed Trump are racists? What does the above statement have to do with this......? That wasn't the original interaction. Nice try.
  2. You can't. I can. There is an important word in this pandemic. Worldwide. In case you hadn't notice the virus has killed 800,000 people that do not live in this country. But you go on with your Trump Trump Trump vitriol. God you're an ass aren't you. I really hope you don't believe what you just wrote.
  3. Well not that just sucks. I knew it was inevitable seeing he's been sick awhile. RIP Eddie.
  4. Good lord. If any of those things happen to you the virus dictates your life. Up until that point (and most of us will never get to that point) you should not let it dictate how you go about your life. Get it?
  5. The day a high rise construction worker (or anyone in a dangerous profession) begins to feel the danger of his job and fears it is the day he needs to quit. I was in a career that was dangerous. Now it wasn't potentially life threatening but I've had some very severe burns and cuts and have seen a lot worse. It's not fear. It's understanding the danger and continuing on in face of that danger. And often using that danger as an adrenaline rush to go back and do it tomorrow.
  6. We were having a great conversation regarding the fear of a pandemic. Short term and long term affects. You said Coronavirus is a short term fear. How do you know this? We are seven months in and there is little sign of the fearmongering abating. Then you went and interjected Trump into this. Why?? Oh wait. I remember. You can't go two posts without brining up Trump. SMH.
  7. In my mind there is no such thing as healthy fear. A wise man many year ago "all we have to fear, is fear itself." Concern? Caution? Empathy for others? Yes. Fear? No. Fear causes long term psychological and behavior changes that can be very detrimental to you mental, as well as physical, health. Fear of: going to the doctors, going to the gym, interacting socially etc are just a few of the results of fear of this virus that have long term negative mental and physical affects.
  8. I’m sorry you friend died from it. And the fact the no one I know has died from it doesn’t change the fact people have died? Brilliant. It also doesn’t change the fact that people’s fear of it has negatively impacted their lives. An example. My best friend is so paranoid he has not been in the office since the end of March. His practice has suffered greatly. He told me he met a client for lunch one day and he said it was terrible because he kept looking around to see how close people were to him and if they were wearing masks. And he is the biggest foodie I know. My mom turned 95 a couple months ago. They had a party for her. Two of my sisters did show up over fear of the virus. These are a few of many stories of people letting the virus control them. I can’t do that.
  9. Sorry. It’s not worth it. My Sunday’s are a joy now not spending the whole day around a game that has 12 minutes of actual action. It’s pretty safe to assume that even though they are 4-0 the game day threads are full of people bitching. And to be honest the game day threads were incredibly entertaining. 😂
  10. It’s about living in fear. As I mentioned I know no one who has contracted the virus let alone has died from it but I do know people that fear it and have let it absolutely dictate their lives. Sorry you misunderstood my analogy.
  11. I’m am not surprised that you thought someone who posted the same memes over and over and over again was funny as hell. He wouldn’t know an original thought if it came up and bit him in the ass. Don’t worry, we still have his place saved at the kiddy table next to you for when he returns.
  12. Awwww crap. I knew that didn’t sound right. I’m so old I blew a joke about how old I am.
  13. Open....close.....open.....close. This is going to get old real fast.
  14. I got news for ya. Most of us have no choice regarding the ends of our lives.
  15. My point was i feel sorry for people who let this virus dictate their lives.
  16. Easy dude. He wasn’t that good. 😁 Lonely at the kid’s table isn’t it.
  17. Zing. Ooooh ya got me. You’re a clever baby ain’t ya.
  18. You really care why I’m here? I’m from WNY grew up a huge Bills fan. Got tired of the losing and lack of playoffs and the BS this team put its fans through so I quit them about 5 or 6 years ago. Best thing I ever did. I’ve on this board for 20 years and have tons of friends here and like politics. Can I stay? Please oh please oh please let me stay!! Yes I’m part of the Buffalo Bills community. I just don’t follow the team. Got a problem with that?
  19. Wasn’t me. I smelled like fish fry. My friends hated it. “You worked at the restaurant tonight didn’t you Jim?”
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