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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So his post regarding his opinion of Biden makes him an idiot? I hope you never had to disagree with your mom.
  2. Just out of curiosity what would you consider the most important and most common ideals of the “typical” true conservative? While I agree that the extremes are going further away from center I feel the left is going further in larger numbers. Perfect example. We have several well known politicians (the squad for instance) that have gone pretty far left and are gaining lots of support. We had a very social Democrat (Sanders) perform well in the primaries. What far right groups have done that well? Look what happened to the Tea Party.
  3. So because Fascist and Nazis of 100 years were considered right, conservatives of today are considered Nazis and Fascist? What ideals that are near and dear to conservatives make them Nazis or Fascists? Now that’s not what I’m accusing you of saying here but many do.
  4. And then all the lefties would have hailed him as the Great Pandemic Leader”.
  5. He’s going to be perfectly fine. He had his life saved by an aborted baby! No it’s true. I read it somewhere. I don’t quite remember where though. 🤔
  6. Well then. It's only 2 blocks so what the hey. Let's turn a blind eye. Tourism dollars are huge to a city. Just ask how pissed Anaheim is with Disneyland closed. In my mind it is the duty of the city council/supervisors to market their cities to various tourism boards. I can only imagine how much money San Francisco has lost over the years due to companies refusing to come back for the conferences because of to the homeless and filth problem there. So if Portland is ok with losing money due to people never wanting to visit that's their bed they've made. And it may only be 2 blocks but perception is everything and the perception is that in Portland the inmates are running the asylum.
  7. I'm not all that up on the Compromise but at first glance I'm not sure what it has to do with the EC. And what are some of these Far Right ideas that some conservatives such as myself have given vocal support of? How do you feel about the extreme Left? I would assume (or hope) that your thoughts on that is identical to your thoughts on the extreme right.
  8. And they shouldn’t get all the media attention. Ignore them and they “go away!”. The EC contributed to the civil war? Is there anything it can’t do? Do you seriously want small pockets of large population centers determining our President? I don’t.
  9. That wasn't my point but trolls gotta troll. Especially anatomically incorrect trolls. Well done troll. BTW what's medicinal Lysol?
  10. Had Trump declared strict nationwide mandatory protocols? “This is great news! We agree with him 100% on this decision!” would have been said by very few if any on the left. That’s the hilarious part of all this.
  11. Well we all now now what BillsTime is doing to pass the time during his time out. Biden’s Chief Tweet Officer is a great gig. Good fit too
  12. And this is the thing that really concerns me. For how much I don’t want Biden as President it pales in comparison to how much I don’t want Harris as President.
  13. 4-5 days a week? Slacker. I didn’t watch it. Changed what minds in what way?
  14. So yeah. You’ve never worked out at the gym.
  15. What would you know about how to achieve better results at the gym?
  16. I’m at the gym as usual this time of the day.
  17. Because that gives them legitimacy? Of course you’re going to say it’s because he’s.... A RACIST!!!!! 🙄
  18. I love how people project today's values on those who lived 250 or more years ago.
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