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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Penal Code 391-248TDS - Breathing while related to Orange Man.
  2. And Biden calls the POTUS a clown and tells him to shut up. I guess Romney chose his poison. Good for him.
  3. I’m sorry, they don’t have Chinese food in China. They have food.
  4. 1. He lowered my taxes. He allowed many retired clients to save boatloads taxes. He lowered the taxes for renters who have very few deductions. 2. Sorry your friend died but there is none, zero zip, nada proof your friend would have died regardless of who was President. 3. How is he dismantling the democracy? 4. There is none, zero, zip, nada proof that the violence we see would not have occurred if anyone else was President 2-4 are 100% your opinion based absolutely on your hatred for Trump. Hatred is not good. Get over it. But please....go on. Damn that Trump for having you born when you were and giving you poor health. 😡
  5. 1. More limited government translates to the true conservative as more liberty and more money in my pocket. The federal government is so bloated and wasteful. I have a client who works for the feds in contract procurement. She hates her job because she sees the vast amounts of waste everyday. I told her she should look into whistleblowing 2. What Christian values do you have an issue with? Treating your fellow man with love and kindness is bad? Being more responsible for your own actions? I and not a Christian but some of the kindest people I know are. 3. Being against pro business? So that means anti business is a good thing? I don’t even know where to start. 4. Anti Unions. They were needed 100 years ago. I think today they harm the worker more than business does. 5. Free trade? Explain what is wrong with a competitive market place? This is where Trump has shines IMO. 6. American exceptionalism? It’s more of an attitude than anything else. You feel exceptional you often become exceptional.
  6. Sounds like you don’t have a clue or you’re terribly lazy. But regardless I think those are some pretty good values don’t you. And funny how there is no mention of: Racism Homophobia Xenophobia Misogyny Again I’m not accusing you of saying conservatives are any of those things by many many are.
  7. Why have they been putting a lid on the campaign so early so many days?
  8. We know. Cow muscles ripped off the bones and heated over burning wood?
  9. The last thing we need is a smug elitist left coater as POTUS. That alone should get the vote out. But to answer your question I'm thinking 4 years.
  10. How? What did he do, or not do, that directly impacted you?
  11. What had Trump done that had direct negative affects on your life.
  12. Was he quoting you with that? Sounds like it triggered you. 🤔 BEST PANDEMIC EVER!! DIE PEOPLE DIE!!
  13. When I say “but but but” my wife asks “What are you? A motorboat?”
  14. Well you failed miserably. That chart says absolutely nothing about what puts Republicans on far right. And when I asked for conservative ideals you gave me two people. Those aren’t ideals. I was looking for ideologies. Try this again please. What would you consider as core conservative ideologies that the “typical” conservative person (not politician) holds near and dear.
  15. Barbaric things are often worth it. Like shooting a deer in the head, ripping it’s hide off and scooping out its guts? 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  16. You’re not doing it right. Oh, and I’m talking about the Salmon not Pelosi.
  17. So the left has been crying like babies for four years and your tell him to suck it up? That’s ***** rich. 😂
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