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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yes but what will be laced will taste sooooooooo good I'll get the job AND my goal.
  2. I have? What was the bet? I owe you nothing yet. A bit premature with your victory dance aren't you?
  3. Work for you? I’d poison errrrr cook for you for free.
  4. So because he said that and I said something similar I listen to him? And it’s “the market did well”.
  5. See moderate comment? What does that mean? And yeah the economy sure sucked balls when he was President pre-Covid. I want to be your Chef. I'd rather tinker with something you're going to ingest vs your plan. Wait a minute. ***** with your plan will kill you slowly. Hmmmm decisions decisions. I listened to Rush Limburger? Isn't that cute. What makes you think I listen to him....or someone else?
  6. And you'd be wrong as usual. Going with your "feels" again? https://www.wsj.com/articles/global-stock-markets-dow-update-11-05-2020-11604558023?mod=markets_lead_pos1
  7. Sure see a lot of homeless people that are drug addicts. And what I’m saying is drug addiction often leads to loss of jobs and income. Rich people doing ALL the drugs?? Ha. Good one.
  8. I take it you don't live in a high tax state like CA? I wonder if there is any correlation with the drug use and them being poor.
  9. Why leave man? Think of all the free ***** you’re gonna get! 👍🏻
  10. No it likes the fact that the R’s still hold the Senate and picked up seats in the House.
  11. No. It’s not how bad their picks are. To me it will show how bad Americans think the direction the left in this country is going. So regardless who they picked they could end up losing because of their policies.
  12. No this election is determine if the Democrat party has screwed up so bad they can’t even beat Trump twice! They lost running the person who was a ”shoo-in” to be the first female President. And I’d they lose again with a ticket that has what could be the first female Veep no history. If they lose again they have seem very very deep soul searching to do. If they lose it will be 100% on the Democrat party and how they’ve conducted themselves the last 4 plus years.
  13. Yup. More people are wearing masks in more places than ever and we see a spike. So Biden’s plan is to mandate masks. Good plan Joe.
  14. Let’s give your curiosity a little whirl shall we.
  15. Based on all the enthusiasm for Trump I would not be surprised if a lot of that early voting went for him.
  16. Why (sorry @wAcKy ZeBrA it's what I do)? What is the reasoning behind the term "Marriage" being used only for heterosexual couples?
  17. Oh you're winning! Good for you! Now drink your wine and eat your wafer! How do you feel about their stand on abortion?
  18. I see. Well if you were clear with your reasoning on everything from dinner arrangements to why we should care what the Pope says I'd not have to ask why.
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