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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. That is wasn’t the original bet here. Damn you like to change the wager a lot here. It’s then.
  2. What's the bet? Leaving or conceding? You seem to be mixing the two up.
  3. My point (based on the title of this thread) has ALWAYS been will he LEAVE not CONCEDE. And that he will leave once his term is over.
  4. No the original point was he’d refuse to leave. Hence the title of your thread. We’ll see what happens when Biden is no longer the President elect. Sorry but you have to come out on the ice after the second period. No I’m here loving life.
  5. So in your world when you support someone you agree with everything they say or do. That doesn't exist in reality. Hell I think every married guy here will say there is something their wife does that annoys the ***** out of them but they still love them and would marry them all over again.
  6. No he's moved the goal posts from saying Trump won't leave to won't concede. That's like the Bills taking off their cleats and putting on skates because they're now wanting to play hockey. So your metaphor wasn't even close.
  7. First of I'm not sure what a Trumpie is but I guess because I voted for him you'll consider me on. So based on that you say I like making fun of disabled people? Please explain to me what you're basing that assumption on. I will tell you there is very little that will piss me off more that you saying I love making fun of disabled people. Not true. I voted for him twice. I support him. Do I like his act? Nope but I support him and many of the things he's done while in office.
  8. Correct. Trump supporters have been called every name in the book the past 4 years and then are asked we let bygones be bygones and unite. Not feeling it yet. I'm just feeling so deplorable.
  9. He's in better physical and mental health than Trump? You're basing this on what exactly?
  10. If Trump loses and refuses to leave You sure have a funny way of spelling concede. So where are you moving the goalposts to next?
  11. Half time. Second period. Fourth inning. Whatever. You're claiming victory in this thread WAAAAY before you should be.
  12. You don’t just disagree you troll.
  13. It’s not that I agree with you as much as you didn’t post something that wasn’t trollish for a change.
  14. Why not work on making college more affordable than making me pay for someone else’s kids college?
  15. France/Germany/England are having major spikes in Covid and have shut down big time. Damn you Trump!!
  16. You've got more than two months to wait. Impatient aren't we.
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