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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. What's BillsAnaon? And didn't really watch the playoff run. Athletes are now firmly in the celebrity camp for me. Overpaid for either playing a game or make believe.
  2. I had to pop back in for this thread. I absolutely love those pointing out his venom and hate all while spewing venom and hate. Glad to see the hypocrisy of this place has not waned one bit in the past few months. Carry on children. Milk and cookies coming soon.
  3. I was in a local bar. The bartender was a substitute teacher at our school. He asked for my ID. Said I didn’t have it. He asked when my birthday was. Told him but a year earlier which made me 18 about to turn 19 in a few weeks. He knew I was a senior in HS so there was no way I was about to turn 19. Had my one beer and left. Came back a few weeks later on my 18th. I walked up to the bar and he handed me a beer with a big grin “happy birthday Jim!!” I’ll never forget that.
  4. There are risk everywhere. It's just that mine doesn't include heart attack while shoveling snow. LOL
  5. What’s the criteria? The RRHOF is meaningless to me. Ah the criteria is a popularity contest?? It just become even more meaningless to me.
  6. A what??? So the answer is no. But guess what I DO have. We pay for one because it comes with our cable/internet deal but don't have one. I don't even have one at the office. All calls done via zoom. I guess that's a land line but I don't have a phone. Just a laptop and a blue tooth earpiece.
  7. It's a big beautiful world out there. Nothing personal but a lot of it is much more beautiful than WNY.
  8. A shark can swim faster than me. I can run faster than a shark So, in a triathlon, it would come down to who's the better cyclist.
  9. I moved away from my small town in WNY when I went off to college. My mom on the other had is living in the same house her parents bought in 1933. She did leave for college, met my dad and had three kids and moved back in the mid 50's so she's not actually been there the whole time. It's just kind of cool she's still there. Oh and that little town is Alexander. Same place where Pinto Ron went to school. Funny story. I met Kenny at a Raiders game when I lived in Oakland. We were chatting and he asked where I was from. I said a really small town between Batavia and Attica. He said "oh I went to ACS!" I ran cross country with his younger brother. Small world.
  10. I just started watching it again last week. Great show.
  11. Of course not because he took advice from strangers on a message board. I may joke with my "thanks for the advice......." schtick but this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about.
  12. *****, Bulls and Balls?? Whatever blows your skirt up.
  13. Why I only get them out. I will never fry at home. Yuck
  14. At my dad's restaurant we NEVER had bones in our fish fry! We got special fish. LOL But I will tell you I had a fish fry every Friday before we opened for dinner. It was the first piece in the fresh grease. Best ***** fish fry EVER!!
  15. At my dad's restaurant we filtered the grease twice a day and started with fresh Friday Lunch and Dinner due to all the fish fry we did. I don't remember how often we replaced the grease otherwise. You don't need to replace it every time you fry wings. If you can filter it after every use and you can likely get several batches from one pot of grease. My question is "why the ***** are your frying anything at home??" LOL.
  16. GME will most likely continue the slide back to reality the rest of the week. Lot of people probably lost a decent amount of money so a bunch of message board geeks could "prove a point" David didn't really slay Goliath. He poked him in the eye, got him pissed and was squashed like a bug. This is why I always say: Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice.
  17. Ahhh you got yours. Good for you.
  18. They have become the "evil market manipulators" that they were fighting. I understand that is part of their point but the amount of debris they leave in their wake is unfortunate. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
  19. You cannot lose?? What makes you say that? What is the true value of GME?
  20. Of course they are selling. They're not ALL idiots.
  21. I see. So the mission is to make money regardless of the debris you leave in your wake. That's what I thought. You're gonna lose. It's probably going to plummet to double, maybe even single digits. You're Pop Warner playing against the Chiefs.
  22. Not basically. It IS a panini press.
  23. I'm late to the discussion but not the story. What exactly is the "real mission at hand"?
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