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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. That's been happening ever since they increased the unemployment checks.
  2. Trumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrumptrump....... The more things change the more they stay the same.
  3. The Texas Rangers will be opening up their games to full capacity but if we're good little children and mind our p's & q's daddy may just allow us to have a few friends over for a BBQ in four months. Thank you...thank you....thank you!!
  4. Did you watch Newsom's State of the State address? My wife and I watched it all. Dude was ***** giddy through the whole thing. Smiling and laughing all the while talking about the number of people that have died "due to" Covid could fill all the seats in Dodger Stadium where the speech was from. I really think it was a nervous laughter. Kind of like the freshman girl on a date with a senior. "Please please please kiss (don't recall) me!"
  5. So that's what it's all about to you? Stick it to the "other side"? You (and a bunch of others here) are what's wrong with this country.
  6. What kind of whataboutism nonsense is this? This bill added nearly that much to the national debt in 10 minutes.
  7. NO!! This is the winner The Green Egg Wait.....who are you???
  8. They have moved into the celebrity category of the list of people I don't care one bit about. Mainly celebrities (mainly TV/Movie personalities) and athletes. The misery of living as a target by placing a huge target on their backs by talking to Oprah. I'm sorry but they are loving the attention. Idiots.
  9. Wow. You had weddings and parties every day? Sounds like a fun family. Also sounds like you inherited the drama gene. 😁
  10. What drama did you have in everyday life under that last administration?
  11. Glad to see you still debate like the immature child you are. Carry on........... Now report this in the Irv Weinstein alliteration you were known for.
  12. And I love apologies that come across like this. "I'm really sorry they misinterpreted my unwanted advances as sexual harassment." Well good for you!!
  13. Hey look I'm back with questions. Why don't you believe the women accusing Cuomo of sexual harassment? Why do you pick and choose when or when not to believe them? That question was rhetorical.
  14. https://www.nationalreview.com/2018/11/charlie-brown-thanksgiving-special-deemed-racist-socail-justice-outrage/amp/
  15. History is a foreign country. They do things differently there.
  16. When we lived in a loft in SF it came with one space. Being the nice chivalrous guy I am I took that and had my wife park in the open lot behind the loft. 😁 Anyway we were walking back from dinner one day and we looked over just in time to see a rat scurry along and climb up the wheel well of her car and into the engine. Freaked her out! That’s when we learned the critters liked to gnaw on the electrical wires. Well we moved her car to a cleaner garage across the street and she felt much safer.
  17. Some people are more in tune with the collective consciousness than others. We are all connected to those that came before us and to those yet to come.
  18. My dad passed about 2 1/2 years ago. He and I were very close. I worked side by side with him in the restaurant and skied together every Sunday during the winters. I moved away to CA nearly 40 years ago. I always wondered if being gone that many years would make it easier or harder when they pass (mom 95 and still going strong). I'm here to tell you it's been a LOT easier. This may sound cold but don't really miss him much at all. The reason is because over those 40 years on only saw him once a year at the absolute most. The first 20 almost not at all. So I feel that makes me lucky. The best thing that helped me was when I told my assistant at work that "my dad just passed" she told me to find and save a voicemail from him. So I did. So when i listen to it now I realize it was time and glad he died suddenly of a heart attack. Dude was starting to lose his mind and that would have been horrible to witness that downward spiral. Did you look behind the couch?
  19. I expect a lot of pissed off people that were told to "hold at all costs" at $350 that finally couldn't take it any longer and got out at $45. When kids play big boy games they usually get their ass handed to them.
  20. Lighten up Francis. After High School College in Hyde Park NY then.... Miami FL Long Beach CA West Hollywood CA Back to Long Beach CA Aliso Viejo CA San Francisco CA Oakland CA Laguna Niguel CA and next year retiring to.... Indio CA
  21. Here's a hint. I have up on all sports.
  22. I assume you mean the new Bills site. I don't know. Don't spend much time there. Why do you think I do? I don't time either the stock market or the Bills. I gave up on the Bills 6 years ago and am so happy i did . Good to see you're as clueless as ever Genie boy.
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