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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Glad to know you still have no clue what you’re talking about.
  2. Given the choice I'm watching the NBA All-Star game and I hate the NBA.
  3. I love Key West. You can roam the streets with a drink in your hand as it should be anywhere.
  4. Interesting, but not surprising for this place, that a thread about Cuomo’s alleged sexual misconduct has become a thread about Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct. This place never fails to disappoint.
  5. They're to blame for a lot of things. Many of them alcohol related.
  6. Chef Jim approves this message. Tell her to keep up the good work. Cooking can be a very relaxing hobby.
  7. You forgot this bit: Why did he go looking for her again? You spook a wild animal you let it run back into the woods. You don't go after it.
  8. Ahhh yes! Strive for mediocrity instills all sorts of confidence. But I’ve not had confidence in our government for a long time. Putting a specific date on anything related to a pandemic is stupid. And yes thar includes Trump.
  9. He’s not horrible. He’s just boring, immature and extremely shallow. It’s quite sad actually. Thanks for the confirmation of my point @BillStime
  10. Seeing this weekend is the 50 anniversary of the Fillmore East recordings I felt this was appropriate
  11. I’m not sure who really wants a trial. Mainly pressure to get him to resign?
  12. So let me ask you. If you make $80k and get a check for $1,400 this will likely get you caught up one month on your mortgage. Then what? This is more of a way to stimulate the economy. The whole “help struggling families” is really dumb and a farce. So you know the best way to stimulate the economy. Open back up. Restaurants here in OC CA have been open and full in defiance of Newsom’s order for months. Has there a spike in cases? Nope. As a matter of fact we’re moving into the red tier tomorrow and ALLOWING restaurants to do what they already have been. And if you’re working and you can’t pay your mortgage you couldn’t afford the home to begin with. Now if you lost a $120k job due to the pandemic and had to take a 30% cut in pay that’s different. But again $1,400 won’t last long. Then you’re right back where you started. Politicians are idiots. Both sides.
  13. Ok point taken. Do you think there is a possibility that it's easier to forge a student ID than one issued from a government agency? I do have to ask. How hard is it to get a government ID? I've had one since I was 16.
  14. We know how do deal with the likes of Biden. Remember we've been gathering in restaurants mask-less shoulder to shoulder for months now in defiance of Navin Grewsom. Bring it on old man!!
  15. Let me ask you a question. Can a foreign student get a student ID in TX? And my assumption is a little more valid (and provable) than your conspiracy reasoning.
  16. What are the requirements needed for a TX State University ID card? I would assume that is the reason they are not accepted vs the reason you gave in your last sentence.
  17. And I'm saying to should need to prove you are who you say you are when you vote. Just because Joe Blow registered to vote doesn't mean the person showing up to vote saying he's Joe Blow is actually him.
  18. I don't see anywhere where it says there is a cap on the amount people can receive. We need to stop rewarding people for having kids. What's wrong with mean's testing?
  19. So you don't see ID theft as an issue? Picture ID. Match? Here ya go vote away. Doesn't match? Call the authorities.
  20. You teach our children? 😁 Just bustin' chops. How are things on the island?
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