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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Dude even the threat of a wall worked. Look at what’s happening today. Just the change in the guard has created this mess.
  2. Exactly. Folks!! A wall is the best humanitarian Thing we can do!
  3. So this is your explanation? This is the conclusion you’ve drawn?
  4. New here? It’s because he’s an immature man child. And his response to this will be a laughing emoji. He doesn’t engage in any kind of intellectual debate. Because he doesn’t have the brain power for that. His MO is to post the same Trump memes over and over. We’ve tried to tell him Trump is gone but he’s obsessed. Wow that took less time than I expected. So predictable and sad.
  5. I think even you would admit nowhere near as many as there were threads like that about Trump. That was pathetic.
  6. Italians aligning with Germans? Where have I heard this before? 🤔
  7. Let me ask you a question. A couple in, let's say rural Alabama making over $200k in gross income. Do they need a stimulus check? For me that a resounding NO! There are parts of the country where people are making $100k gross and are doing VERY well let alone $200k How is that possible? I thought it phases out at $160k you may ask. Let's do a little math shall we. Couple (over 50) makes $210k. They each fully fund their 401k's at $26,000 each for a total of $52,000. Take their gross of $210k and deduct their 401k contributions their AGI is $158k and poof they get a check. This has been my main complaint from the beginning. People are getting money that don't need it. I'm not condemning these people. I'm condemning the GOVERNMENT for being wasteful. THAT is one of the main tenants of THIS conservative. Now to your point about PPP. What is this about companies that don't have enough employees? Self employed people qualify for a PPP loan. It's for ALL small businesses with fewer that 500 employees. So I have no idea where you're getting that from. It's not partisan bull manure. It's called fiscal responsibility. Two words government (regardless left/right/center) don't understand.
  8. I take you you've not heard his "apology" where he essentially admitted to sexual harassment that was just taken the wrong way.
  9. This is why tax increases ALWAY affect the middle class.
  10. Not sure if this should go here but reading about weed reminded me. Better not work in the Biden Administration if you've smoked weed. You'll lose your job. Unless of course you're hired base on your gender and color only. Then you can admit to smoking weed and keep your job. Hypocrites.
  11. "I want to go back to work!" "No you don't! Here have some more money!!"
  12. Never Gracie? You have higher credentials than I’ve given you credit for. 🙄
  13. Already mentioned. How did I make your point?
  14. Large business didn’t need help with payroll during the pandemic? Would you rather they laid people off? I’m not surprised you don’t know how businesses operate.
  15. You seem confused. <Chef Jim realizes who he’s talking to> Oh.....never mind.
  16. PPP??? Tax incentives??? The Platinum Plan??? Take your partisan blinders off.
  17. Then help the struggling businesses directly to the business in the forms of forgivable loans. Let them open to full capacity or at least a higher capacity. Our gyms just reopened after being shuttered for nearly 6 months. But only at a 10% capacity. Why use the consumer middleman? To me it’s simple. So Americans can look to the government and say “thank you! Thank you for my government cheese! I am forever in debt to you!” It’s all about control. And again a couple making $160k doesn’t need my money to spend. Incentivize them. Keep your receipts. Any money you spent on a local business is a tax deduction. Get creative. Don’t just hand out money!
  18. And he has one of the toughest jobs in the world. Many are just very concerned if he’s up to the task.
  19. Whine? Did you even read my post or because I’m conservative you just jumped to a conclusion that you didn’t like my post without reading it? So point out the issues you have with what I said. Question. Someone who has $$ to fund an IRA (as much as $14k for a married couple over 50)? Do they need a stimulus check from the government?
  20. Most know here what I do for a living. I sent an email to my top clients regarding the Bill. I went of the parts that would be of most interest to them. Regarding the $1400 I told them that I'm not going to tell them what to do with the check if they get one (and most won't). But the bribe, I mean payola errrrr check was to help "struggling" families or to stimulate the economy. So if they are not struggling (and none of them are) to use their check for local businesses. Please don't use it in your IRA or HSA. Spend it! If you're gonna spend it please spend it on local businesses. I've been hitting local restaurants a lot lately.
  21. Not often I get to say this here but here goes. I'm too young.
  22. We went to a theater "production" of Spock's Brain many years ago. It was ***** hilarious.
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