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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Ok so I was driving into work this morning and there was one of those large programmable signs on the freeway. I was going with the flow of 90mph so I only caught a glimpse. All I saw was "Something Something (a number) Deaths in CA in 2020. So I thought well there goes my theory above. Then I come to another and got a chance to read it all. It was a Drive Safe PSA. The number was number of vehicle deaths in CA in 2020. Those signs used to say "Stop the Spread! Wear A Mask" My theory stands...... So they are still on lockdown there?
  2. Demand all you want (Jesus I hate that word. "We Demand") You're going to be sorely disappointed. I assume you know who have the most hatred against Asians in this world don't you? Yeah that's right. Other Asians. I worked with a Japanese girl. We became great friends. I used to tease her and really piss her off by calling her Korean. Then we hired a Korean woman. Keep in mind they were both born here in the US but they HATED each other for one reason and one reason only....race! So bottom line. We are all different. We all have different cultures. Some people of different cultures hate each other. Unfortunately it's who we are as a species. Been happening since year one of our existence. I laughed my ass off yesterday. Saw a young boy with a guy who I assumed was his dad holding signs "Stop Asian Hate" Yeah that's gonna do a lot of good. Sorry for the cynicism but that's how I roll.
  3. Marketing? If the Republicans can focus on the conservative nature instead of whatever it is they are selling they'd get the Hispanic (and black) votes in a landslide.
  4. Regarding flipping TX. If the republicans could only figure out that Hispanic ideal align so much more with Conservatives than with Liberals values.
  5. Gee I wonder why? I'll tell ya why. The main stream media crammed it down our throats as such with virtually no proof. What point are you trying to make here and what does this have to do with the ATL shooting?
  6. Many on the Right are saying the left want the open border is for more Democratic voters. While there may be some truth to this I think the real issue is they truly want to help people and are deathly afraid of being called racist/xenophobe for not helping. Sometimes the best answer to a problem is "sorry son...you're on your own!"
  7. Not my job to fix their problem. We’ve spent generations of lives and tons of treasure trying to do that. It is nearly impossible to fix and the cost is likely prohibitive. We shut it down and fix our own problems. You posted an article about homelessness in the US. Of course you tied Trump to the story. 🙄. We can’t even fix our own shitholes like LA and Oakland but you want to do fix their problems? Nope. So how do THEY fix it? Give them a taste of capitalism. My manufacturing idea. But that comes from private enterprise not my tax dollars. They would rather stay in their home countries. They are proud of their heritage. Why so many live here, make $$, ship it home and follow it back after a few years. Greenbacks go a long way there. So make the US irrelevant. Make them want to stay there. But shut the border down in the meantime. See....NOW you’re posting like an adult. My work is done here. 😉
  8. I’m not sure how long I’ve been here. I was originally LA Bills Fan or something. Then I moved from LA to Orange County and changed to Chef Jim. That was in 2002. So I was here probably a couple years before that.
  9. Devil's advocate. We know corruption runs rampant in many of the governments south of the border. We can't control or fix their ***** so why spend the money and time trying to get rid of the corruption. Then what? Focus on the issues we control. Our lack of enforcement of the immigration laws we have in place, and our porous border. And of course there will always be a way in. We're looking to make it more difficult for them to come. Reduce the incentives and secure the border. Question. Do you think offering benefits such as free college and healthcare for all is a good idea without a properly secured border?
  10. You were doing sooooo well and then you went and mentioned the GOP as the only bad actor in this. Dude take your partisan blinders off and see that both sides of the aisle have led us down a wrong path just to keep their phony baloney jobs. So are you saying the source is the countries where they are coming from? That's only part of the source of the issue. The issue is the American way of life. They come here for a slice of the American dream pie. Well that's not going away so the other source is also here in the US. We have to make it very difficult to hire and maintain an illegal workforce. We have to STOP with these high minimum wage mandates that make a black market (i.e illegals) work force thrive. We have to put some teeth into our laws and punish companies and industries (like the one i was deep in for 25 years....restaurants) who hire illegals. And the last part of the source lays smack dab in the middle of both of these. Our porous border. That is why many of us are adamant about fixing it. Is it a wall? Is it more patrolling. Is it drones with laser beams (my favorite)? It's a combination of all. But an open border to the "American Dream" is a very very very dumb idea. So to recap we need to help drive up their economies and my idea is make Mexico and Central America centers for manufacturing. We have to stop the incentives for companies to hire them and we have to secure the border. And lastly we have to be #######s!! STOP being MR/Mrs nice guy/gal and wanting to altruistically take care of the world. There is a word politicians have a hard time of saying and it fits here. Just say NO!!
  11. The source? Isn't that some dumb daytime talk show? Knowing @BillStime that's probably what he's talking about.
  12. And I was likely here long before you. And of course things are cyclical but you have to admit the Trump era was BRUTAL.
  13. I'm willing to bet that Virus as an autocorrect was way down the list just 12 months ago. LOL
  14. Addressing the issue at its source? What the ***** does that mean? Please explain what you consider “the source” and what ideas do you have on how to address it? One man’s rabbit hole is another’s adult discussion.
  15. Promise of free ***** + promise of easy access = what we have here. I’ve been saying this for awhile now.
  16. No ideas just complaint? Got it. Thanks for playing....or not.
  17. ***** Washington and the numbskulls we keep electing over and over again. What would YOU suggest as ideas to “fix” the problem? Good. First step is always admit you have a problem.
  18. So what's your solutions? Any ideas? I'd love to hear what you suggest. ***** with the race card man. It's old, played to death and makes you look lazy. Wait....you are lazy. So this crisis at the border is a mirage stirred up by the right wing media. Look at these bastions of right wing propaganda...... https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/20/politics/immigration-border-crisis-biden-administration/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/immigration-border-crisis
  19. You do realize you just did a great job of proving my point. Thanks man! @BillStime roll your eyes all you want but I guess you're not smart enough to see how you made my point. Read my post then look at your chart. Read my post again then look at your chart again. After 10 or 12 rounds of this exercise the penny my drop but I doubt it.
  20. If you think my answer is The GOP you’re wrong. My answer is very complicated and very difficult but in my mind it’s the right answer. This isn’t a left right thing. That mentality will disappoint and frustrated you until you die. 1. Secure the border. How can we stop the flow of mostly poor uneducated people looking for a better life and a few handout. 2. Stop the free handouts. Do you really think offering free handouts AND an open border is a good idea? If yes please explain why. I think the no is pretty damn obvious 3. Here’s where, in my mind, the rubber hits the road. It’s difficult, will take time but will work. Replace the “Made in China” with “Hecho en Mexico or Honduras El Salvador” etc. Create manufacturing facilities in in Mexico and Cental America. If we help them build their economies on manufacturing not drugs it will help solve the problem. Fix it with capitalism not socialism. Now what are your idea. All I hear/see from you are complaints and immature memes. Time to grow up skippy and discuss like an adult.
  21. So you have no response? Why do you never ever engage. Are you afraid you’re going to get your ass handed to you? Bring it. Debate. Prove me wrong and yourself right. Laugh emoticon response (and likely the only response) in 3.....2.....1....
  22. Is it just me or are we hearing a LOT less about the number of Covid deaths being reported the past couple months? It used to be a daily thing like the body count reports on the nightly news during Vietnam. It’s now all about the positive news regarding vaccines and reopenings. If so what happened the past couple of months that have changed that. Hmmmm. 🤔
  23. Yes!! I think people stopped coming under Trump. 🙄 Lets recap. The majority of the media the last 4 year? Was it pro or anti Trump? 🤔. I’m pretty sure it was mostly anti. If there was ANY border issues caused by that brown people hating orange man do you think it would have been reported? I’m thinking yes. So if the numbers were not truly down I’m pretty sure CNN WAPO MSNBC or the NYT would have reported it no? So do some research. Find your REAL numbers. They should be out there.
  24. Well let's think about this. Trump threatens to build a wall. Border traffic drops. Biden threatens to open the borders and we have this? I know logic isn't your strong suit but think about it. And we were addressing the problem but for some reason liberals like importing it here. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-aid/u-s-restores-aid-to-central-america-after-reaching-migration-deals-idUSKBN1WV2T8
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