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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Oh yeah that genie is way out of the bottle.
  2. I have a problem with that too. Background checks should include interviews with friends and family and review of social media posts. It’s the people people not the weapons!
  3. Thank you. Notice none of my “great ideas” called for taking away guns. It’s all about monitoring the mental health and backgrounds of those who own guns. There were lots of signs this shooter was a troubled person. But these things always come out post tragedy.
  4. Ammo is VERY regulated here in CA. What else ya got? Well then....forget about it. 🙄 Solutions are haaaaaarrrrd! 😩
  5. Seriously! I allow!! I ALLOW!! You never did answer my question about how you would control this issue. All you do is B word, complain and post childish memes. Never any solutions. So here’s my idea I’ve mentioned several times. In my mind this is a mental health issue. Gun owners should be required to go through background checks on a regular basis. Not just to purchase a weapon. They should be required to take regular CE courses on gun safety. Taking guns away will NEVER solve this. Criminals will always find a weapon. However requiring regular background checks will reduce the number of mentally ill people having access to weapons and ammo. OK....your ideas? Aaaaaand go!
  6. Have you ever seen someone change clips? It’s pretty amazing how fast. But if taking away the scary guns will help you sleep at night have at it. But if it doesn’t, then what? So you take away the scary guns you assume these shootings will subside? The mental healthy of the shooters plays no part in this? I’m pretty sure you take away the scary guns these mentally ill people will still kill. Demons don’t care the caliber or the level of scary. I love hollow points. If im going to protect myself from someone breaking in to my house I want the best ammo to take them out. Yes bullets kill people but how many bullets have killed that are either in someone’s closet or in a loaded weapon that’s not racked? I think even you know the answer to that one. Regarding your nuclear device comment. You went down with your ship on that one.
  7. What meaningful changes would you suggest? Who here is against voting and gay rights?? And abortion rights? Talk about the party of death.
  8. So you’re saying someone with a handgun with 5 additional clips ready to go would not have killed as many people? Again it ain’t the weapon it’s the gray matter between the ears of the shooter(s).
  9. No, we need to stop incentivizing people to have children period.
  10. Well that was quick. Instead of discussing, debating or even arguing you plug your ears. La la la la. Nice knowin ya.
  11. My mother? She’s young enough to be my daughter. 🙄 I just have an issue with people twisting people’s words to form their narrative
  12. No we need to stop incentivizing people to have children.
  13. Correct. Now if AR-15’s never existed (not banned but never existed) could this tragedy still have happened?
  14. Have any of you interviewed a prospective employee who told you “I’m going to to this....I’m going to do that!” And after you hire them they come to you and say “wow....I didn’t know this job was so hard!”? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeDjsQeD/
  15. Hmmmmm. How does the saying go? Those that can’t do teach Those that can’t teach consult 😁
  16. Spell it out. What’s his point?
  17. He’s a teacher. Have you seen his posts. No one is benefiting from his education. I kid @transplantbillsfan I kid.
  18. Its “funny” here in OC. Restaurants were allowed to reopen last June. Then we had a spike ame they had to serve only outside. Then they said “nope can’t do that either anymore!” So the places moved indoors closed the blinds, drew the shades and it was Speakeasy time. “Gavin sent me!” It’s fun being bad.
  19. I’m not sure what point you’re making here.
  20. What in the world.........Where do I begin..... Please point out where I have said ANYWHERE these checks are stupid. Either a) improve your reading comprehension or b) take your partisan blinders off. I've said this checks are to help those that are struggling so why are many people that are not struggling getting them? I hope the neither I highlighted above is a typo because the words that follow it don't make any sense. C- for grammar. I love how you say we how these checks are used to for things like mortgage and you used yours you put it towards student loan debt. I have news for your student loan and your mortgage are pretty much the same thing. Biden and ALL politician need to leave their hands OFF student loan debt. You took the loan YOU pay it back. Not me and the rest of America. And lastly. Good job stimulating the economy with your check.
  21. No *****. Try to find a real good croissant here in the States.
  22. The reason I ask it is debunks that Twit's Tweet about saying "This could be us!"
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