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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Who can afford a gun with a proposed 400% tax? All of a sudden a $400 Glock costs $2,000. Do you seriously think that's reasonable?? So are you eliminating the firearm production industry? Are you suggesting we no longer produce weapons? You do understand one of the most popular handguns in the us (Glock) is produced in Austria?? Again are you thinking about your suggestions? No we don't institutionalize them. We make it more difficult for them to obtain weapons and ammo. I've already outlined this in previous posts. What's a good magazine limit and why? And you're not making fun of my name you're making fun of my previous profession that I'm very proud of. I don't give a ***** it just shows your lack of debating skills. Can't win the argument you go with personal attack.
  2. Don't produce them? What on earth does this mean? I assume your response was not a reply to my gangs question. Getting rid of scary weapons will NOT solve this problem. But for poops and laughs let say you stop producing and destroy all the scary weapons out there and mass murders still happen. Then what? Because I'm here to tell ya getting rid of the scary weapons will not solve this.
  3. A vast majority of his content is not relational. You'll get used to it. So the gas tax is "not working" what makes you think a mileage tax will? How will this be monitored? Will we have to track our mileage from 1/1-12/31? How will this be audited. So many questions Pedro.
  4. Well she thinks visiting the border is funny so best keep her in CT with the boys and girls.
  5. How do you plan to control gangs and criminal access?
  6. Obviously you've not read my posts with my ideas. Do your homework before you throw out accusations. Military guns are NOT obvious. Your primary use to kills multiple people in a short period of time is someone else's ability to kill game or have a fun day on the range. So military weapons are those designed only to kill multiple people. What does this mean? Wouldn't any firearm in the hands of a skilled person allow them to kill multiple people? Absolutely. Even if a "skilled hunter" can reload fast a wounded animal can get way and suffer. How cruel you are. So you're cool with the killing of people and multiple people with "essential" guns. Do you even think about what you're saying. So if someone such as my wife and I fear for our safety and we would like a handgun to protect ourselves but your asinine 400% tax makes it prohibitive financially what do we do? You do realize you're plan of asinine taxation opens up the black market? Again do you even think before you type. Ahhhh forcing thousands out of work in a career they may absolutely LOVE because of scary guns? You focus almost all of your attention on the weapons and very little on the issue at hand. The minds attached to the fingers that pull the triggers on these mass shooting. And when you've have nothing left you make fun of someone's name. Weak.
  7. Define a military style gun. Define a long hun not used for hunting. I take it you’ve never hunted before. Sounds like you’re also good with animal cruelty. Increase fines? What are the fines now for ownership of this guns? 500% sales tax? So you’re for banning all guns? Is that how you plan to start your ban? I have no idea what training in what industry and what you plan to achieve by this? I’ve already offered my ideas. See I’m an idea guy. Reasonable, achievable ideas.
  8. Want to open an investment account? You damn well better be prepared to prove who you are. Money laundering is a thing but I guess voting isn't??
  9. It's still a little early on this one but where's our SB spike? And don't give me "people stayed home alone" crapola.
  10. It's in the closet with Trump's tax return and Russian connection notes.
  11. Again read 2A and interpret what you think it meant and means. It's really really short. So what do you suggest? I love all the complaints but no solutions. B word, whine, complain and moan. Let's here your ideas.
  12. What are you guys? Stoned? This topic went off the rails quickly. I live in CA and all the tax revenue promised from the legalization of week was going to solve all our problems. Good luck NY. Kind of how are lottery $$ was going to make our schools golden. Hmmmm, how did that work out??
  13. Leave it to a Canadian to not understand the 2A of our Constitution. 2A is just as relevant (even more so) today than it was nearly 250 years ago. Educate yourself. Get oot eh....your logic is frozen.
  14. I may be old but I’m not dead. Hookers and blow with mine!
  15. Seriously? We have people living all over the US. Why most of us joined the board to begin with. So I feel it’s a decent representation. I think a VAST majority of the county is NOT afraid of being shot.
  16. @BillStime If you disagree take a poll. Best way to fine out. The only time I've been fearful is when I lived in Oakland. House was broken in to and it was bad out there. Why I bought a firearm. It greatly reduced my fear.
  17. I get a round 21,900 in a couple weeks. 21,900/365= Actually 60's the new 30! I fathered no children. My wife and I have been together nearly 40 years and have never once even had a scare. Sure she had her tubes tied early on but still there were many active years without even a whoopsie. It's not hard....I mean difficult.
  18. NO THEY ARE NOT!! Tell you what one of the P's in PPP is Polls. Start a poll and see what percentage of people here are afraid of being shot.
  19. STOP with the HYSTERIA. Show of hands. How many here are afraid of being shot going to work, school, grocery store, concert? This is the type of hysterical freak you're going to use to get the message out that things need to change? Wrong person for you to be putting on the soapbox. Patriarchal white supremacy coupled with easy access to fire arms. And she has the audacity to say ***** YOU!
  20. Ok if you don't agree that it's a people problem not a implement problem then why are we just getting rid of scary guns? It sounds like you'd get rid of ALL guns. Not sure I understood your point To your last point. So lots of weapons were not available 50 years ago? We were almost like the only family in the area that didn't have guns (my dad hated them). You do know that one of the weapons in the Sandy Hood was a Glock right? That incident, in my mind, was 100% the mental illness of the shooter not the weapon of choice. You take away the scary guns they will find another weapon. My opinion that these are 100% on the mind controlling the trigger not the trigger.
  21. I was in high school in the mid 70's and my friend and I did acid for the first time. It was during a snow storm and we just assumed there'd be no school the next day. Well we didn't know how long it took to take effect so we smoked a little Thai stick but didn't yet feel the effects of the acid. So we took a second hit. Big mistake. He said "I want to see this chair move from this side of the room to that side!" and BAM it did. We freaked. There was no on there to tell us that what we were experiencing was a normal trip. We thought we had been poisoned. We were cooped up in his room and came very close to telling his parents to take us to the ER. The snow stopped but out in the boonies as long as the wind is blowing the snow will drift and school will still be closed. So my friend asked "is it still blowing?" I stuck my head out the window and said "this is weird. The trees are blowing side to side but I don't hear or feel any wind!!" There was school the next day. I stayed home "sick". Never liked that *****.
  22. It's interesting. ATL is mostly Asians it's racism racism racism. Boulder was all white it's guns guns guns. For the thinking people it's mental illness mental illness mental illness. In my mind that's what ALL these mass shootings have in common. We have to figure a way to identify the people that are likely to commit these crimes and make sure they never ever have access to a weapon and/or ammo.
  23. Ok so let's supposed the implement my ideas and we still have mass shootings. Will you THEN agree that it's a people problem my a implement problem? And here's a question. When I grew up in rural WNY in the 60's and 70's so many people carried guns in their vehicles. Gun racks were common in the back windows of trucks and they were likely loaded. And many of these were trucks in the school parking lot. Did we have any mass murders? Almost none. There was that guy in the the 60's at the University Bell tower in Austin but that was BIG news and a major rarity. So he's the question. What happened? Why are these such a common occurrence?
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