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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. We can all do whatever we want. But Sharpton is not helping by being there and opening his yap.
  2. Police protocol and training might help the defense as well. Hard to say. Would Floyd have lost consciousness at 8:25pm and been pronounced dead at 9:25pm had he not resisted and if the knee to neck move was not part of the department's protocol Keep in mind I am NOT condoning the move at all. I'm looking at it from the juror's box.
  3. Well Al Sharpton is there to make sure to keep things calm regardless of the verdict.
  4. Damn Trump for not doing an inventory of the nation’s PPE.
  5. Being a politician during all this is a lose lose situation. I’d never want to be in that position. Classic example of damned if you do damned if you don’t. Trump lost his job because he didn’t and Newsom may very well lose his because he did.
  6. Unfortunately the way the citizens of this country are evolving history will treat us as courageous survivors of a deadly pandemic and murderous (better @SoCal Deek ?) work of the Nazi Trump.
  7. Yeah those poor Jews never did get over that little Holocaust thing.
  8. Trying to understand Tibs is like banging your head against a brick wall. The brick wall may hurt more physically but at some point you’ll realize “well that was a very painful and stupid exercise.”
  9. Nice try. You didn’t dump on your home state. You dumped on Republicans. You just can’t help yourself can you? In a state with as many issues as NY you pick THIS to “dump on” your home state? 😂
  10. Why would you not dump on your home state?
  11. Muderous? Are you sure you want to use that word. You wonder why so many of us don’t take you seriously. 🙄
  12. Of course not. Doc would never say that. He is nowhere near THAT stupid. Geez. He’s convinced himself Sessions was separating children from their parents
  13. I’m not so concerned about having to defend myself against our government (original purpose of 2A) as I am about defending myself and family against bad guys. Why I got my fist firearms.
  14. Relative pedestrian danger? WTF kind of Orwellian newspeak is this?? EDIT: And a couple of things 1. "We" know how to fix it? Ok Pedro first off explain this inequity and how "we" can fix it. 2. If one more person uses the term equitable I'm gonna lose my *****.
  15. Of course you're not being flippant. You're being an ass. We're done here.
  16. So is the proposal on top of our already crazy per gallon state tax here in CA. It's $.505 per gallon and a main reason why our gas is the highest in the country.
  17. You're conflating 2A with mass murder when they have zero to do with each other. Not sure where you come up with the idea that I think mass killing is a joke. So you're all for creating a HUGE black market for weapons?? Do you really think that's a good idea?? What ideas do you have (other than ceasing production and import of weapons) for reducing the number of available weapons available here in the US?
  18. So my quote from a couple days ago was spot on? Cool! BTW I do all three!!
  19. We don't have to wait to see what happens with or without mask mandates. See FL vs CA
  20. So wait a minute. You don't make your payment the company disables your vehicle. "HA! That'll show them not to pay their bills!!" The world is being run by children. I long for the good ole repo man days.
  21. From the guy who just told someone to go ***** themselves. Bwahahahahahahaha!! He can't teach so he consults.
  22. Actually 2A was not designed to protect us from invaders. It's to protect the people from the government. Keep in mind what the Founders were creating and why they were creating it. It was from tyrannical British rule. Learn the purpose of 2A. THEN read your post above again and see if it really makes sense. Here...maybe this will help.
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