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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So now it's all on the jury to decide. Not long ago you accused him of murder. It's easy. 1st/2nd or 3rd? Yes. 1st/2nd or 3rd.
  2. So you don't want to respond directly to my point of what your graph in my mind proved? What's with the tangents?
  3. In order dude. You brought up murder 1st/2nd or 3rd? Then we can proceed.
  4. Stop!! Just ***** STOP!!! This has nothing to do with what Trump said what Trump did and EVERYTHING to do with my point that based on the graph YOU shared pretty much proves that mandates vs no mandates doesn't move the needle. I try to engage with a debate with you and I turn into a little B word? Ummm no. I try to debate with something that has absolutely nothing to do with Trump. NOTHING!! And you bring him into the conversation. Soooooo address my point.
  5. I’m going to start referring to this as the Darwin Flu.
  6. Who are these some folks you’re referring to? Let me ask all my friends here in the left. How would you feel if the NRA showed up at polling places and handed out sandwiches and bottled water to people in line? And please be honest.
  7. Who? What does Trump have do to with my point? Go ahead. Challenge it. Good lord dude. You're a one trick pony if ever there was one. Can't argue you a point you cry BUT TRUMP!!!! I already said yes to this. Death is death. It's final. It sucks but when it's over it's over. The pandemic of 1918 lasted about two years. The economic and psychological effects of a lock down last MUCH longer. And what advances? They seem to have no clue as to what they are doing. Look at how often things changed in the first several months of this. They are still not in agreeance on how to combat this. I say (again) virus gonna virus so let it. We have a vaccine now that they didn't have in 1918 and we are almost exactly where the world was over a hundred years ago. The arrogance of humans sometimes.
  8. Thank you for proving masks and lockdowns don't move the needle much if at all. And it would have taken longer for immunity and the economy would suffer longer and people's psychological issues would be greater than they are now. Let the virus virus. in 1918 there was no vaccine but the virus essentially disappeared after a little over a year and a half. Why do you think that is?
  9. Before we continue this conversation you accused him of murder. Which? 1st/2nd/3rd?
  10. Why did he murder him? Let’s use you brain and reason a little bit. What do you think was going on inside his mind that said “I’m going to kill this man!”
  11. When I worked there I talked to people about what it used to look like. Walnut trees. Now there is a Tiffany’s there. Quite amazing the transformation.
  12. Was there a picture of Walnut Creek? 😁
  13. Ahhhh Bucolic Walnut Creek. I had an office there for a few years.
  14. Didn’t take long for me to find someone else who thinks like me. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/21/epidemiologist-1918-flu-pandemic-roaring-20s-post-covid I never put the roaring 20’s together with the Spanish Flu until just now.
  15. Wait are you talking CA or NY? If NY you still have a curfew? 😂😂😂. If CA no matter. 11pm I waaaaay past my bedtime.
  16. We go down to age 50 April 1st and 16 and over April 15th. Who knew Governors in trouble would bring about such positive changes.
  17. Yup. And that was yup to the deaths not to the “you have got to be kidding me.” What decade came out of that culling of the herd?
  18. Weapons of WAR!! Killers gonna kill. I suggest you stay home. Maybe with that hysterical woman whose video you shared. She looked fun I’m not the best at handling weapons but I’m pretty sure I could take out a few dozen folks at the local grocery store with my Glocks and a few ready to go clips. Take away the scary guns will do little if anything to fix this problem. It’s all between the ears of the killers.
  19. How did the Spanish Flu of 1918 which, by some estimates, killed 100,000,000 people worldwide just "poof" disappear a year and a half later without the aide of a vaccine? Answer: Darwinism. We need to let Darwin do his thing.
  20. I've asked this several times with no answer. If we take away all the scary guns and these mass shootings still happen......then what?
  21. This is why giving people money to pay their bills and/or stimulate the economy is stupid. The people that are elected to run our governments are so ***** clueless with regard to personal behavior and economics (among many many other things). They do things thinking of only how it can keep them in their "phony baloney" jobs vs what are the short and long term effects of the decisions they make.
  22. When I was younger there was a local guy who never was quite right after WWII. We called him Rev. Not sure why.
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