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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. It’s funny but the past couple years I’ve been using a stand up desk. I stand (well I lean a lot) about 8 hours a day.
  2. Ok you're a bleeding heart Christian. I have more faith in humanity that they can figure out a way wait in line to vote without dropping dead from thirst. So I'll ask again. Are you calling them lazy or stupid? It's one or the other to think that they can't figure out a way to stay hydrated for a few hours when water is AVAILABLE to them at the polling place. And you don't understand my thoughts regarding the pandemic. I'm saying we use a combination of science and mother nature. Had we done this and let the herd immunity take over we'd be closer to the end of this. Dragging it out as we have been by the lock downs is causing a much greater long term toll to the economy and human emotion. We are talking about a virus that has a survival rate of high 90%. If that's the science why are we prolonging the inevitable?
  3. Bring water with you. I wait in line for three hours for concerts all the time. I don't expect anyone to bring me water. I either bring my own or have someone hold my place in line while I run across the street for a drink. Are you accusing these inner city folks of being lazy, stupid or both?? BTW I haven't voted in person in probably 10 years. You epitomize the bleeding heart liberal stereotype.
  4. What part of "they will offer drinking water at polling stations" do you not understand? You lose all credibility in my mind because you're pissed they cannot directly hand people water in line. You really want to die on that hill??
  5. Ok I just got tickets to see my favorite band Umphrey's McGee at my favorite venue The Fox Theater in Oakland. I am STOKED. Fingers crossed this holds up.
  6. I worked weird hours when I worked in restaurants but still figured it out. When I changed careers there were many days I worked late but you know what I did? I voted BEFORE I went to work. B word B word B word. Life is tough sometimes Mr President. Smart people figure it out. What exactly are you saying about these (mostly POC) you're accusing of being oppressed?
  7. No but it sounds like you are. I'll stop victimizing you to clarify your accusation. Sorry.....carry on. Would I accuse him of voluntary manslaughter if I thought he was a victim?
  8. Wow I thought I was a cynic. So you're cool with people being able to walk to a porta potty but not to a drinking fountain or drinking station that is offered at ALL polling places. Does it hurt when you tie yourself in knots like this. You said you were against people with NRA hats handing out water. Do you, for even a minute, thik that's what this part of the law was addressing? You're focusing on water. Why are you? Let's read this again shall we? No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast Again you're focusing on water when that is one of many things they are not allowed to hand out.
  9. I have Prime. And I was going to check the History Channel site. Thanks.
  10. Seriously. You think this rule was to prevent people from getting a drink of water? Everyone and their grandmother carries a bottle of water with them. And if that person is really that parched they can always "hey, can you hold my place in line? I need a drink." How about a bathroom? What if someone has to pee? Do you want one person making these decisions or a board to make them? So is this your gripe? There are too many Republicans in GA? The GA SOS is a Republican so I'm not understanding your problem here.
  11. You said MURDER! Your answer was incomplete. There are several degrees of murder in MN. 1st/2nd/3rd? For some reason you fail to stipulate which one you think he should be convicted of. Why is that?
  12. It took me watching up to the fourth one to actually believe what I was seeing. Wait.....what is that I hear? Why yes, yes it is. It's my Green Egg softly whispering "please chef.....please don't give me to that mean man."
  13. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. You only know what your "handlers" have told you. From the bill.... "(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast (1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is established; (2) Within any polling place; or (3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place." Aaaaaand there is this......... The bill also states that poll workers can make available "self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote." But nothing in the law requires poll workers to make water easily available to voters while they are waiting in line. And why, in your mind, do inner city people have trouble getting around? Link??
  14. https://www.wsj.com/articles/jim-eagle-and-georgias-voting-law-11616799451
  15. #1. Are you saying inner city folks can't figure out how to get around town? How much does a bus ride cost in ATL? It's $2.50 for bus fare in ATL with four transfers. Seniors can be bused to the DMV to get their ID. My mom was able to get out and get her vaccine at the age of 95. #2. So you agree with the GA Voting Bill with regard to this. Ok that's cool. What makes this bill ridiculous?
  16. Possibly. I'm waiting for @BillStime to answer. But for some reason he's afraid to commit.
  17. NOPE. 1918 got out of it much quicker. How? By getting out of the way of Mother Nature. She's a B word and the left has brainwashed you to think you/we can outsmart her. Guess what. We can't.
  18. Big Schlongs IV. Never felt more insignificant in my life.
  19. A good friend of mine told me about this. It's weird. I loaded the History Channel on my Roku but it wouldn't load.
  20. Scenario. Someone breaks into my home with the intent of a home invasion. Should I or should I not be able to shoot the ***** dead?
  21. 1st/2nd/3rd. These are our options. Aaaaaaaaand go! Oh to make it easier I'll show you mine. Voluntary Manslaughter.
  22. What I find very amazing is that how quickly the virus spread in 1918. Yes we were in the middle of a World War but we did not travel then like we do now. It's crazy how quickly it spread worldwide in 2020 with all the international travel we do as humans but what was the level of commercial airline flights in 1918? Almost non-existent. If we'd all stop the quibbling and freaking out and think about the historical aspect of what we have gone through and will continue to go through? It's absolutely fascinating. Ok back to the you're wrong and I'm right sound chambers........
  23. My question is asking you to clarify your accusation. That's all. Pretty simple.
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