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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Ok in my mind this has very little to do with racism and EVERYTHING to do with our judicial system. Why was this animal who was convicted of killing his mother ever let out on parole? A leopard rarely changes his spots. That poor woman.
  2. I want you to sit down and remove all distractions. Close this site, turn off the music, the TV, the internet. Turn of all the lights and I want you to sit and think about this statement. Really really think about what this would look like. Hopefully (and that's all I got at this point....hope), hopefully you'll realize how silly this statement really is. Go through this exercise and if it doesn't come to you that's ok. We understand.....you're Canadian.
  3. So he said OF topic. So he's cool. I think Tibs is ESL so cut him some slack.
  4. Here's the difference B-Man. People that fly have money and are typically not like those poor dummies in the inner city that need handouts to stay properly hydrated. I have no idea how those poor inner city (predominately POC) survive! We gotta help these helpless people!!
  5. Has she been there to see first hand what she's been tasked with? <rhetorical question>
  6. With non-lethal weapons yes. If they were not prepared with bean bags, tear gas and other non-lethal means they were fools not to think something like this could have happened.
  7. Are they not, if fact, currently shut down since December? Now before you type your answer you only need 5 keys. Any more than that will be dismissed. N O Y E S
  8. The second largest school district in the nation is shut down.
  9. So the old man's memory may be failing but mine's not. At least not yet anyway.
  10. So you are not aware of ANY school systems that have been shut down?
  11. Live in fear. I don't care. It's over for me.
  12. So you honestly do not know ONE person that has pretty much not left their home over the last 12 months because the powers that be have scared the ***** out of them?
  13. Yes that is exactly what I've said. You get beaten and you pull that ***** out? What I'm against is how they plan to pay for it. Any ideas how infrastructure that doesn't include increasing corp taxes? Here's a great idea. Float municipal bonds. With more and more boomers retiring and wanting income what better motivation that to give them tax free income. With taxes likely going up in the not too distant future an income generating vehicle that for whatever reason has gone out of favor could make a roaring comeback. Does anyone think anymore??
  14. You put it this way I put it "increase the corporate tax rate to 28%." Why did you use the work BIG?
  15. Not this August but let's think about this. 1. Trump Runs for Congress in 2022 and the Republicans win back the house 2. Trump becomes Speaker of the House 3. Biden and Harris get impeached and removed 4. Trump become President 5. Trump POTUS for 10 years!! 🤣 How it's funded.
  16. Tell me you make too much money without telling me you make too much money.
  17. How about instead of the word "told" would you be cool with the word "insinuated"?
  18. Wait....what happened to all those shovel ready jobs??
  19. No one feels Americans should feel unsafe in their homes? Have you not been paying attention? There are plenty here chastising gun owners for saying they want to have firearms to protect themselves and their family. So I can protect myself in my home but once I step outside my door all bets are off? Why do things change the minute I leave my house?
  20. The original owners of my home in Oakland were victims of a home invasion robbery. Tied up and beaten. Our house was broken into a year after we bought it. So we spent money on security. Alarm, camera, safe and two hand guns. No guns available. 🙄
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