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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. A PR move? And her are my thoughts on this. Chauvin and Floyd had history and not a buddy buddy history. I would imagine Chauvin used the knee to the neck maneuver (which he was trained as a way to restrain combative suspects) on Floyd to really "give it to him" and never intended him to die. Why on earth would he do that will all those people around to witness it? So what does that make this? Third degree? Manslaughter? Is there a difference?
  2. I like the idea of using ID Numbers on mail in votes. Much easier to match those than signatures. God this conversation has me thirsty. Where can a poor man get a drink of water around here??
  3. Ok so now you're ok with not allowing undue influence to voters in line? Good. This is the only time you've interjected Trump into a conversation not about Trump that is actually a good thing.
  4. Extremely long lines are exclusive to POC? Explain why you think that is. Did you miss the part about polling places that had extremely long lines are REQUIRED, going forward, to hire more staff? What are your thoughts about that?
  5. Yup it makes it illegal to give them water and lots of other things. Why focus on the water? Give me a good reason why all of you are fixated on water? It's because you THINK it's a great way to make your point. OMG LOOK. THEY'RE DENYING THAT POC A SIMPLE DRINK OF WATER!! Sorry anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together know that is a really bad argument.
  6. Why default to name calling? Have you read the part of the Bill that talks about drinks**? Would you be ok if the NRA showed up and handed out sandwiches and bottled water to people in line? How about it they gave out t-shirts, hats, $20 bills? Would you be good with that? You do know that is what that part of the Bill states. Also you do know that the Bill states in polling places where wait times exceeded one hour are now REQUIRED to hire more staff? ** (a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, Please explain what is wrong with this. Reduces undue influence of voters in line. Why the hell is this so hard for you all to get. It's not about WATER. It's about influencing votes. Good lord!! So ok. I'm going down to ATL during the midterms. Brining all my Trumpers and NRA and Right to Lifer friends and were handing out all sorts of *****. I'll just point at you guys and say "hey, they told me it was cool."
  7. One man's rabbit hole is another man's "I've got nuthin'" If you can't defend your positions say so. Your questions. The bill doesn't not single out water. It includes a lot of items that could influence a voter. Isn't that a good thing in your mind. But for some reason you are all are focusing on water. Why is that? My understanding was the change in drop boxes was to make it a uniform system. Uniformity is good in my mind. So is one box per 100,000 voters or one per voting location going to make it easier? To vote or have the votes counted? Not sure but it's not racists.
  8. And how is this racist? Explain why you feel they POC are being targeted by their wait times. And are you really saying white voters in Georgia don't have to wait in lines for hours?
  9. Ok now, how do each of these things effect people of different races differently?
  10. https://www.amazon.com/Ka-Bar-Tactical-Spork-Spoon-9909/dp/B01FYJ6ICK God I love the internet.
  11. They're not. All US citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote. Next............
  12. Silly?? That's the best you can come up with. There are people out of a job due to this and all you can say is silly??
  13. I could probably kill someone with a spork. Holy crap. I've live in SoCal for nearly 40 years. Have worked and known dozens and dozens of Hispanics. Aminadab Gaziola are two new and unique names BTW what scary military style weapon did he use? What? It looks like a handgun? Well there goes that narrative.
  14. What makes the bill racist? You, and others, have said over and over again it's racist. Please explain.
  15. What makes the BILL racist? Sorry I wasn't specific enough. BTW I don't wear a Chef's hat.
  16. I think assuming POC's can't figure out how to vote is pretty damn racist don't you?
  17. Nearly 75,000,000 votes with packed rallies during a pandemic? Trump Train caravans for miles? You consider that dying?
  18. I don't live in Germany so don't know don't care. I hope you're aware of the slippery slope this has created right? If not let me know your thoughts about this idiocy. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/san-francisco-school-renaming-effort-stalls-after-colliding-another-battle-n1258649 Abraham Lincoln? John Muir? Dianne Feinstein? I don't like her but banishing her from school names?
  19. "We've all had cases where those kinds of of levels come into play. You've got to look at the whole picture," Nelson said. "It's one thing to die *with* something. It's another thing to die *from* something." Huh.....where have we heard this before? 🤔
  20. See!! We told you a wall wouldn’t work in 3.....2....1.....
  21. Did you follow my instructions and think about what you said? If you take all the guns off the streets the streets will be safer. Now the way to accomplish goals is to lay out all the steps in order to achieve those goals. So hit me with your step one to get all the guns off the streets. I know several soccer moms and a certain woman near and dear to me who likes to knit who LOVE guns.
  22. Or President Trump murdered 400,000 Americans. Hits galore there I bet.
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