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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. A POWER GRAB??? Holy Cow. The part of the Bill that Conservatives probably wouldn't like is the only part you choose to say you don't like. Awesome dude. You're coming around. My work is done here........again. What is the MLB? The mob? Don't mess with MLB. 🤣 Microwave popcorn?? And you call us idiots??
  2. It's my thoughts and/or opinion based on what I'm hearing from certain sources that are not 100% verified that I say "thank you"
  3. An awful lot of conjecture there presented as fact. Why I try to sprinkle in some "in my opinion" "my thoughts" "I think" in my posts. I hate when that ***** comes back and bites me in the butt. I think there is always plenty of responsibilities (positive and negative) to go around on both sides.
  4. Cry baby? I'm having a conversation with you. Care to continue the conversation or not?
  5. Confidence has a GREAT role in the economy. You're right. But where is this confidence coming from? I'll tell you where. The virus is going away do to it doing it's thing (herd immunity) and vaccines. Who do you think gets some of the credit for the vaccines?
  6. Well kind of hard to prove something that has not even been put the the test. But I have posted how, in theory, these changes will make GA's elections safer and more accessible. If can't figure that out on your own I'm cant help you However you have yet to confirm how any of these changes are RACIST!!! So what are these pitfalls of obtaining ID? I had to wait 3 hours for my DMV renewal during the pandemic and I kind of work a full time job. Is it because I'm white? What is it that your actually saying about those YOU think can't figure it out. Non-drivers? So there is NO way for them to get to the DMV? It's been gone over a million times. Your stating that YOU think they can't figure it out is more racist that ANYTHING in that bill. Again if you can't figure that out I can't help you. I present facts of the bill you, as usual, present feels. Yes we hate America, we hate POC, we are anti-American, we promote death. Terribly sad that you think this way of people you don't even know. Do yo categorize all conservatives in this manner.
  7. Have you ever gone through the hiring process? Do you have any idea how long it takes? Given Biden all the credit for these jobs is very partisan. But anyway if you do give him credit for it I assume you did, or will give Trump credit for all the jobs he created pre-pandemic?
  8. @Over 29 years of fanhood your point has been made and seconded.
  9. And one of the the security details on an electric bike. How green are those things. They are all over the ***** place here. So many lazy people.
  10. Huh....you sure do post your ass off until challenged. What, can't find any silly memes to prove you ridiculous claims of racism? One man's rabbit hole is another's conversation/debate. What's the matter Colonel Sanders...........CHICKEN??
  11. So Obama inherited Bushes mess. Trump inherited Obamas great economy and Biden created his own jobs growth. Did I get that right? You guys are ***** hilarious. Now, you can redeem yourself if you can answer one simple questions. What has Biden done specifically in the first two months of his administration that created these new jobs?
  12. I guess you don't know my political leanings. He did NOT beat **** (whatever that is) rather easily.
  13. Holy crap. With all this talk of AR's I never once put two and two together and came up with Assault Rifle. LOL! There was a "mass" shooting here in Orange County the other day. Care to guess which one of "these" scary weapons of choice used?
  14. When @BillStime has nothing he opts for some silly emoticon and runs away. But go ahead you see racism at every turn. This will not fix actual racism if you scream RACISM whenever someone on the Right does something. Like supporting Trump. So I'm going to ask you @BillStime a question. If you saw a white guy beating the crap out of a black dude on the street would you scream RACISM and if so (or not) why?
  15. I don’t have kids I’ve only have had cats. They may be a hell of a lot cheaper than human kids but you’re not supposed to outlive your children especially over and over. My condolences Hey....who’s peelin’ onions in here?
  16. 12 definite wins for me 2 questionable wins for you. Only a Bills fan would think they’re winning this argument Who’s forcing anyone to do anything? 😂 Who gets arrested for “forcing” these people to wait in lines? Oh wait wait I know. ....TRUMP!! Oh and the Bill REQUIRES polling places to hire additional staff and if they’ve had wait times of an hour or more. You look thirsty. How about a niiiiice cooool glass of water.
  17. I was just responding to your point about a lawsuit in the making.
  18. Oh so you've read it all? Then you would have read the parts that Establishing a voter intimidation and illegal activities hotline? Provide that no election superintendents or boards of registrars shall accept private funding? Provide for notice when polling places are relocated Provide sanctions for improperly opening an absentee ballot Provide for poll watcher training Provide for restrictions on the distribution of certain items within close proximity to the polls on election day Provide for duplication panels for defective ballots that cannot be processed by tabulating machines Provide for the deadline for election certification Provide for public notice and observation of preparation of voting equipment Provide for observation of elections and ballot processing and counting Prohibit observing or attempting to observe how a voter marks or has marked his or her ballot or inducing a voter to do so Prohibit the photographing or other recording of ballots and ballot markers But you and yours focus on water.
  19. If he's found not guilty (highly unlikely) I think he could very well have a lawsuit for wrongful termination?
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