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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I’m recording a new song: 🎶 What’s race got to do with it got to do with it? 🎶
  2. Because he really didn’t like him not because he wanted him dead IMO. He let his emotions get in the way and he will likely pay dearly for it. Human emotions ***** up so much of our lives from poor investment decisions to marital infidelity to killing someone. We are emotional beings.
  3. I know I’m going to take some heat for this but here goes. Beef on Weck pretty much sucks. First. Waaaaaay to much salt in the bun. I always brush most of it off. Second I love spicy but horseradish is an ingredient not a condiment. Kind of like wasabi on sushi. You take something as delicate as raw fish and slather it in nose hair removing fire. 😏 I do have one every time I visit just to remind me why I left. I kid..I kid. 😂
  4. I guess this is what happens when the “Putin Puppet” leaves the WH? 🙄
  5. For the rest of his life?? So are you saying he’s going to be murdered in prison? How do you plan to celebrate this?
  6. This has been the talking points of most everyone. Them: It’s racist! Me: Why? Them: 🦗
  7. I had a feeling you were a nasty drunk. You might want to cut back.
  8. I cooked for celebrities in LA in the 90’s and 90’s. Learned to really dislike them. It dawned on me a few years ago that many athletes are the exact same. They feel that because they are rich and famous their opinion matters and needs to be heard. They’ve got the stage but I’ve dropped the curtain. Nope. It’s not just the Bills anymore. It was when I first dropped them. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me 17 times I’m out. Now it’s the whole sport. Call me crazy but it is the most boring way to spend a weekend. You watch two college games on Saturday and two pro games on Sunday you have wasted 12 hours for 45 minute of action.
  9. I’m trying to understand the difference between 3rd degree and manslaughter.
  10. I stopped following the Bills 6 years ago. Stopped all sports 3 or so years ago. This was part of the reason why.
  11. My opinion? Chauvin and Floyd had a history. And not a buddy buddy history. Chauvin most likely did not like Floyd at all due to what I’ve heard from those that worked with the two of them. Chauvin used the knees to the neck maneuver on Floyd as a way to say “take that *****!” He never intended to kill him in my opinion. So Third Degree Murder. Now before you go popping champagne corks @BillStime I’m not agreeing with you yet. I think our differences are that you are thinking his intent was to kill all along. Would I be correct in my assumption?
  12. Regarding you’re first post. Seriously you think that’s what I was admitting to? 🤦🏻‍♂️ And to your second point. Where did I ever say that? And to your insinuation that I’m used to ignoring people of color I’m sticking with my first response. ***** you!
  13. What exactly did you mean when you said this? An I quote: Just because you are used to ignoring people of color doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
  14. Go back and read how you worded that comment. You know what you said and you know the intent of what you said so I stand by my ***** you response. One man's groundhog day is that same man's inability to articulate why they feel the law is RACIST. Call it a type of political gerrymandering and you might get me to agree with you. But until you can give a very good argument (or ANY argument) why you think the Bill is racists I'm going to call you out on it. I feel it's racists is an answer. Not a good answer but an answer nonetheless. And so far that's all I've gotten from you. Once everything becomes racist nothing will be racists. We are very close to this. Is this what you want?
  15. ***** you!! 🤬 See now you're getting somewhere. This is probably more about the fact that GA went Blue than ANYTHING to do with racism. Oh no. Politicians acting badly. Say it ain't so.
  16. No sports stadium for any sport in any city should be funded by tax payer dollars. ***** sports. All is not lost. File your return and keep an eye on the news. You may be able to file an amended return and get money back if they change this. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/ny-state-of-politics/2021/04/01/unemployment-benefits-are-taxable--lawmakers-seek-change#:~:text=New York's joblessness spiked a,in line with federal policy. Never ever trust a tax preparer over a financial planner. 😁
  17. What in the world does this have to do with the price of jalapenos in Mexico???
  18. No I can't defend it because I don't know enough about how the GA State Legislature (or any other state for that matter) operates to determine if it's a good or a bad thing. See I don't just go with "feels" based on who's in power. Now let's get back to what YOU are not answering. What makes the bill RACIST? How many POC's have you heard say this and why do they say it hurts them? I'm having such a hard time getting this answered. Why is that?
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