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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I don’t subscribe to The Times. Can you give me some quotes. 😉 And don’t give me this “I don’t have time” *****. I’ve been asking you why this is racist for a few days now. 🙄
  2. Come on man! Dontcha know? It’s racist! Even our beloved POTUS said it was reminiscent of Jim Crow. Funny how it’s only the POC in lines that won’t be getting a coooool drink of water.
  3. @BillStime What that party and this Bill racist? Why has no one been able to explain what specifically makes this Bill Jim Crow era racist. I find this very telling.
  4. Here @BillStime Google is your friend https://nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2020/06/election-2020-steps-stop-voting-problems.html
  5. Weird. I canceled mine a couple weeks ago. I was able to read the the whole article when I first googled it. But start by reading your own quote from the article. 🙄
  6. By design!?!? 😂😂😂 Really? Whose design? Proof of this design? You sure it wasn’t the most polarizing election in our history? Now back the question at had that I’ve posed multiple times. How is this Bill racist.
  7. Not only did it answer his question of “how so Jim?” but it points out how badly of a cluster ***** it truly was. Anyone who thinks the elections in 2020 were anything but a cluster ***** is either clueless or being disingenuous.
  8. I know this is from that very right leaning NPR but give it a read anyway. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/15/876474124/chaos-in-primary-elections-raises-fears-for-november No reason? NONE?? Well other than racism which you and others have conveniently refused to elaborate on.
  9. I’ll just leave this here for our friends on the theft to comment on it https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/blue-state-voter-suppression-11616624579
  10. I lived in a neighborhood of mostly million dollar homes. Break-ins all the time. Strange people peeking in windows all the them. Strangers knocking on doors all the time asking for help or “selling” magazine subscriptions. You better believe we owned firearms.
  11. Why is it racist? Why is it racist? They were required because 2020 was a cluster *****. Still no one here can tell us why these changes are racists.
  12. And I've been screaming this from the mountain tops for a long time now. All the gun laws and money thrown at homelessness is not going to solve our mental illness problem. The common response to this is "well why don't other countries have these issues like we do?" While this is a very good and logical response maybe we, as the most successful country in the world, put way too much pressure on our citizens to be successful and wealthy? It ain't the vehicle of destruction it's the brain that "pulls the trigger."
  13. Come on man! It’s a HUMAN infrastructure bill.
  14. Nothing really but a lot to do with liberal/left ideals. Now let’s turn the tables. What does racism, for example, have to do with the Republican Party?
  15. I’m not a psychologist nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night but I am a student of human behavior (it’s a big part of what I do for a living) and those clips come across, to me anyway, as someone not comfortable in their own skin.
  16. It’s almost as if white people don’t matter. Huh......
  17. Because you and many in on the left feel you have a monopoly on this is why no one does, or ever will, take y’all seriously. Take your blinders off and look at those that consider themselves conservative. Not Republicans....conservatives.
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