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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Because I do inhale I could be Vice President. But I’m the wrong gender and ethnicity.
  2. The sad part is I think you really believe that the Republicans have a monopoly on hypocrisy.
  3. I'm not surprised you don't see the hypocrisy in their statement. Carry on.
  4. https://airlines-airports.com/united-airlines-reservation-office-in-moscow-russian-federation/
  5. I really don't think there was intent to kill. Why I think manslaughter really should be the conviction.
  6. What did I mean? I wait with bated breathe to hear your thoughts on what you thought I meant. Regarding your question. I can't answer that because I don't know what or who GQP is. And what does that have to do with me?
  7. You're not very smart are you. Look at those punctuation marks that find themselves on either side of the word regular. Any idea what those represent? And you never did answer my question regarding what you meant when you said this. And I quote: Wait, now you guys care about regular people?
  8. Based on this (silly) metric how was the economy from 2017-2020?
  9. Why the focus on Georgia regarding this? Do you know that CA has closed down the number of polling places recently? NYC has an issue with the number of polling places and long lines. Are these state's issues due to racism too?
  10. Racism holds no political, ethnic, religious, etc stripe.
  11. I'm not pushing back on racism. I hate racism. i won't get into why I do because frankly it's none of your business. But here's what really Really REALLY pisses me off and it's been off the charts the past few years. When people cry RACISM when there is none. And in my mind there is NONE here. When the President of the US calls this Jim Crow on steroids I have a major problem with this. Do you even know what Jim Crow is/was? The President should be called out and called out hard for even uttering those words. I have asked you several times what makes this Bill racists and you have not, and likely CANNOT answer that. I'm sorry that you can't understand where I'm coming from with this and hopefully you do now. So to your bullet points. Nothing fits my definition of racism? Seriously? I grew up surrounded by it. Nothing meets my criteria of racism? See bullet point one. Kind of redundant there. Especially when my party is accused of it? Accusations are like opinions and ass holes. Proof is what I live on and you, and others, point to things as racist all the time with no proof of it. I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more. When everything becomes racist nothing is racist. And my party? MY party?? LOLOLOL!!! No one can convince me that systemic racism exists? No they cannot. Does racism exist? Absolutely!!! Is it systemic? IMO...no. And I've not seen anyone show proof that it does. Racism is the new boogeyman in the room. And if actual racism wasn't a horrible thing what is being considered racism today would be comical. Again we are downplaying actual racism buy calling Bills such as this racist. Call it unfair to inner city people and old folks if you like but do NOT call it racism!
  12. Devi's advocate here. This could tie very well into the defense's claim that his drug use, not the knee to the neck, caused his death. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-asphyxiation-21972
  13. I see. So why are so many mental and emotional illnesses in adults tied to their childhood?
  14. Excuse me? Can you explain what you mean by this. I'm pretty sure I know but I'd love to hear it from you. I'm trying to educate myself on how this Bill is racists but I'm not finding anything. Where can I look? What should I read? Who should I talk to? Please help a man out please.
  15. It's been legal to grow your own here in CA for a long time (12 plants and 6 mature plants) but there is no one I know that grows their own. The stuff stinks for one thing. I love gardening and I partake in weed "now and then" but never have I grown my own. And regarding cheap. I bought a gram a few weeks ago (which will believe it or not last me probably 3 months) cost me $15!
  16. This is a very interesting point. Has the MLB and others supporting the move of the game thought about how this will effect "regular" people? And yes the boycotts that Trump called for are asinine. We're big kids we can decide who, when and why we will boycott products/services.
  17. Point one: What on earth are Unintentional Injuries? Could suicides be "hidden" in there? I have no clue. Point two: Most of us are concerned about the emotional toll on children whose lives have been turned upside down since the pandemic? School was a HUGE part of my social life growing up. I can't imagine how I would have fared had that been taken away from me for over a year. https://www.propublica.org/article/the-lost-year-what-the-pandemic-cost-teenagers
  18. Trump inherited a booming economy from Obama but the surge in the markets and the economy is all of Biden's doing. Just making sure I've got the talking points right.
  19. It's not based on race. It based on socio-economic and geographic issues. Does @BillStime talk about how this will effect poor rural areas of GA? Are those mostly non-POC? How close is their closest DMV or polling place? If @BillStime and others screaming racism want to discuss why most poor inner city residents are POC they need to start a thread dedicated to that topic and I'd be more than happy to participate.
  20. I searched for race/racism/racist in that article and nothing came up. Why is this Bill racist? 95 pages of racism right?
  21. Speaking of deflecting. What about this bill is racist? Just figured it check in again. One of the things that has made me very successful is I’m persistent. I’ll be back tomorrow.
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