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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Exactly. Much of the wealth transferred is illiquid. Estate taxes are due 9 months from date of death. Sometimes it takes longer than that to get a business set to sell let alone get it liquidated. Now there are ways to provide that liquidity but that often requires life insurance and there is no guarantee of insurability. This doesn't even bring the whole issue of what to do if the heirs want to keep the business. They are also discussing doing away with the step up in cost basis. I'm not so sure I have a problem with that. As long as they do away with the estate tax completely.
  2. Now isn't this interesting. A lot of this hubbub is because of Joe's Jim Crow on steroids comment.
  3. We are all well aware that Elizabeth Warren and others have been pushing for this Tax on Wealth for some time now. Whether you agree with the concept that the top 1% of the top 1% need to pay more this is the dumbest idea ever and will likely never see the light of day. It just proves how out of touch ALL politicians are. Here are the challenges. 1. This is essentially the same as filing an Estate Tax Return. These often take years to sort out and locate and value all the assets. And this law will require this to be done EVERY YEAR 2. Even if they were able to place an accurate accounting value of the wealth a $2b estate would pay $30m in taxes. 2% on the first billion and and 1% on the second billion. So there could be a huge liquidity issue to pay the tax. Most billionaire's wealth is in illiquid assets such as real estate and business entities. 3. Billionaires are usually smart and have teams of advisors that can help them avoid this. Mainly hold the assets inside foreign entities. How does that help the US? If anything we need to bring foreign held assets back on shore so the income they produce can be properly taxed. I always find it interesting that politicians (left/right/center) always talk about ways to raise additional revenue but almost NEVER discuss ways to cut spending. So let the wah, wah, wah..poor billionaires replies come. This is not my point. It's that it's an impossible program to implement and maintain so it's a total waste of time. The fact that politicians such as Warren think it makes sense and is doable is laughable.
  4. Struggle? No not us. You're flopping in the breeze young man. So if this Bill is going to turn GA blue what's the problem? This makes it a wonderful Bill correct? I see a lot of unfounded hysteria and confusion from you. Again..... Carry on.
  5. Can working people vote by mail in GA? Do you work? How do you vote?
  6. See here's the best part of a debate. It's not ignoring the person you're debating. That's pathetic and almost looks like an admission you've lost the debate. The best part is pointing to the facts you used to formulate your opinion to get the other person to admit you are correct. So giving up is awesome to you. That's fine. As always.......... Carry on.
  7. What exactly am I to look up? I'm not making any accusations. You're the one with the accusations. All I'm simply doing is asking you to point to the part of the Bill (linked below) that you used to form your opinion that it a) takes away voting rights and b) makes it harder for working people to vote. https://www.legis.ga.gov/api/legislation/document/20212022/201121
  8. What specific voting rights are being eliminated? I'm going to keep hounding you idiots until you can articulate these accusations or admit you're being dishonest.
  9. I'm not taking your word for it. I asked you to point to specific parts of the Bill that makes it harder for working people to vote.
  10. Give us a specific example of where in the Bill it makes it actually HARDER for working people to vote.
  11. There are more than one way to vote. I've not stood in line for years. You also know the Bill addresses this don't you? Next.......
  12. In my opinion and that of others that it’s not the duration of the hold but the fact that it is designed to subdue a suspect. Floyd was definitely subdued but Chauvin was down there “giving him the business” (hey I may no longer follow the Bills but I still know their history real well) way beyond what was necessary.
  13. What does he mean gets what it deserves? Does he know something no one else on the planet knows?
  14. It was on the local news briefly during the sports. But you’re right. This is actually huge and should lead not be a quick blurb during the sports.
  15. It’s the only way I can really get it here. I have no idea where there is a dispensary near here. Suburbs.
  16. I thought it’s because they’re too dumb and lazy to get to the DMV for........wait. Wrong thread.
  17. I don’t care how many times you post this. I’m not doing edibles.
  18. The Democrat who trashed their business? Where does it talk about his political party affiliation?
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