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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. My dad got beat up because he was dark and dated white girls.
  2. It targets minorities? Out of all those words those are the two I've been railing against since the beginning. Sorry you've not been able to understand that. I suggest you, and Joe, read up on Jim Crow and what that was really all about before you equate this Bill to that horrible mess. And go ahead. Call me racist. I don't care. You don't know me. You don't have any clue about how I feel about different people. How I've interacted with them. The first hand racism I witnessed growing up and how those things have stuck with me for 50 years. If it makes you feel better to accuse someone of these things you've never met have at it.
  3. So the Bill was to suppress Democrat voters? Have you been able to articulate how you've come to the conclusion that the Bill is racist?
  4. Been my one and only point on this from the get go. This is not about voter suppression. All I've been asking from the beginning is what makes this racist. Voter suppression of people of color only. I've had NO rabbit hole. One simple little itty bitty question from the beginning that you have not even come close to addressing. Rabbit hole. Nope. You've turned it into one. Run away rabbit boy because you've lost.
  5. Regarding new machines. No you can't create new machines. That would be dumb. They should have machines in reserve to bring in. If they don't there should be a provision to make sure they do. How does it rectify the closing of polling places? It doesn't. I think with the ability to vote by mail and PSA's getting the word out how easy and safe it is polling places will eventually become a thing of the past.
  6. I was just talking to my wife the other day. The fact that we never had kids has allowed us to save a shitload more money than if we had them. How I'm able to retire early. Well that and we have a GREAT advisor. It's not earned so why should it be taxes as such. How do you propose to tax it? Where is the liquidity going to come from to pay the taxes on illiquid assets? I say don't tax inheritances but get rid of the step up in basis. This actually would help in some planning. Lots of people don't want to sell gramma's home because she has a low basis and they want the step up so they can sell and inherit the whole value no tax. Whereas if they sold the house before gramma kicks it they can use the now freed up equity to take better care of gramma.
  7. Point one. Sure that's easy. I've already mentioned this but I will again. Whoops. I bet you feel silly now. See I've read the bill. Sounds like you have not. Point two. I am not denying people have to wait in exorbitant lines. Part of the Bill is designed to address this. See Point One above. So it's a Bill you should like. And the lines are geographic not racial.
  8. The reason why I smoke so little is because it's a fine line for me between ahhhhhhh and AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
  9. Feasible? Glad to see you've chimed in with an intelligent addition to this conversation. It's not the tax it's the fact that going through the annual assessment of the assets owned makes this idea asinine. She knows it will never fly and I'm wondering if that's her intent. So when it gets blocked (mostly by Republicans) she can scream "See!!! They protect BILLIONAIRES!!"
  10. So this law ONLY hurts black people? This law was designed to hurt only black people?? Can you please explain how this law, like Jim Crow, only affects black people. No one else has been able to do this so far whenever I've asked. Let's see if our favorite counselor can articulate it. I'll wait. To equate this to Jim Crow downplays the true Jim Crow laws. Biden appears to be senile. What's your excuse?
  11. Admit you were talking out your ass regarding having to wait 4-9 hours. I'm not denying people actually waited this long. My point you B word about the lines then you B word about a Bill that was designed to fix this. I guess all those years of being a Bills fan has turned you into a B word. I understand Now if the Bill actually fixes this is yet to be seen. I have zero faith in either party being able to fix anything.
  12. Now I smoke a few times a week. But a real small amount. I mean small. And a gram lasts me believe it or not 3 months. So do the math. An ounce would last me 7 years. LOL!
  13. So you're doubling down with the POTUS on the Jim Crow *****? Is this really the direction you want to go with this?
  14. I vote at a mailbox. They don't have those in GA??
  15. Welcome to the party. Late and asinine as always. So now we're supposed to protect people from being stupid. The only way to solve this issue is tattoo it on people's foreheads. Oh and while they're on their way home to get their ID that can stop at a convenience store and get some food and water. So waiting in line is the only way to vote? I've mentioned this several times. I've not waited in line to vote in several years. I guess I'm just smarter than those poor people in GA.
  16. Yes. Voter ID's in GA are already offered at no cost.
  17. So how many vegetables and dirt equals $600k? So you're going to force the potential sale of the land. What if the heirs want to maintain the asset? And the basis has to do with the sale of the asset. Under current tax laws let's say mom and dad bought that vegetable farm and the basis is $100k. Mom and dad pass and the new basis to the heirs is $1m. The heirs can turn around and sell the asset free and clear of any cap gains or estate taxes. Not sure I agree with that.
  18. An ounce?? The 70's called and they want their weed distribution back.
  19. Give each taxpayer that adopts one of these migrant children a $10,000 tax credit on top of the child tax credit. They came here for a better life. Well lets give it to them and tell their parents to go pound sand.
  20. If you can't afford a voter ID in GA you shouldn't be able to vote.
  21. Yup. Jim Crow on Steroids. THIS is what has gotten me so passionate about this issue.
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