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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You say this law targets a specific group of voters. What group of voters is it targeting and how have you arrived at your conclusion? Here's the thing. Regarding your last sentence. People are intrenched and for a reason. What are those calling it racist basing that claim on? In my opinion it's because it's backed by the Republican Governor and Republican Georgia legislature for that and that reason only. Name calling? 🤣 The guy who calls me Chef Jim Crow and attacks my chosen profession? You're funny. And gibberish? Nah...I've been very clear however if you choose you filter it so you can continue to call me names and attack my chosen profession (yes I attack yours too) so be it. Carry on.
  2. This is a serious question. If it were a right would it have restrictions?
  3. It's better that assuming you have any clue about what someone else's opinions and thoughts are. Not only does it make you not very lawyerly it also makes you look foolish. So carry on fool. Voter suppression seems to have replaced the word racist. Why is that do you think that is?
  4. This is a serious question that might even deserve it's own thread but here goes. How have Jews, who have been persecuted for 2,000 years, slaughtered by the millions during WWII but for some reason have still be able to be successful and have (at least to my knowledge) never used this persecution as a crutch or excuse?
  5. Ok this is why this place sucks sometimes. I stopped right there. My point has never been to support or not support the Bill. So until you realize what my point has been suggest you STFU.
  6. If you had been following along you’d know that had not been my major bone of contention from the get go. The issue i have with this whole fiasco is what has actually not been answered by anyone though I have asked several times. So you can go back to sleep now. I have some stocks to pick. 🙄
  7. Universal Basic Income. Coming to a recliner and beer cooler near you!
  8. Ok Chef Jim's cynicism rears it's ugly head again. Obama signed the last big infrastructure Bill in 2015. It authorized $306b from fiscal 2016-2020 for highway, highway and motor vehicle safety, public transportation, motor carrier safety, hazardous materials safety, rail, and research, technology, and statistics programs (taken from the "official" FAST site). Well is it me or does this reek of those that got paid out of this are now coming back with their hands out seeing the FAST Act gravy train is ending? What didn't get fixed from FAST that needs more $$ to fix now and why?
  9. Again I've explained the problems the GA law was intended to address. Go find it and read it. You still won't like it because it came from me. I could tell you the sky is blue and you'd push back. So I really won't waste my time. You're not worth it. Do your work. Regarding being your advisor? I have three criteria: 1. I need to like you. 2. You need a lot of money. 3. They don't ask me if I beat the S&P Even if someone passes one and two but not three I kick them to the curb. You, for a fact fail two of the three. So curb meet SectionC3 EDIT: BTW you have no idea what I've been railing about this how time do you? Once you figure it out come back and talk to me.
  10. Condemn it all you want. Say that the GOP didn't talk to the inner city folks all you like. You have no proof they did not but lets say they didn't. Does THAT make it racist? I think not. A wise man not too long ago said "elections have consequences." You don't like the way the GOP operates that's fine. I don't like the way they operate either. Kick 'em out like was done in the Presidential election.
  11. No explanation? You just don't like my explanation and that's ok. I don't expect you to like anything I post. Carry on counselor.
  12. Yes. Please explain more. Shaves down the time? By adding Saturdays and Sundays? Is everything upside down in your world?
  13. Nope. I'm getting my talking points DIRECTLY from the bill. So you start your rebuttal to mine on a very bad assumption. So you say 150 feet is child's play. How many feet long are the lines? 500 feet? 1,000 feet? 5,000 feet? Let's say for easy math the lines are 1,500 feet long. For a wait times that GA has experienced that sounds reasonable. If the line extends 1,500 feet the Bill allows for 10....10!!! such stations offering food and/or drink. Also the Bill states that they cannot be within 25 feet of anyone waiting in line. Sooooo what's your beef? Are you sure you've read the bill??
  14. I don't care if it creates 100,000,000,000 jobs. Once the roads and bridges are built then what? Yes some of this bill creates permanent jobs but actual infrastructure jobs don't last forever. My best friend from high school came to CA in 1980 and got a job stringing cable for cable TV. Once all the cable was strung he lost his job.
  15. Have you read the Bill because it sounds like you've not read the Bill? The Bill makes provisions for reducing lines and giving people access to drinking water. Also they can provide all the food and beverages they want beyond 150 feet. How long were the lines in GA?
  16. What's a non-partisan beverage or food? LOL! Why do they feel the need to distribute food and beverages in line?
  17. There is no real problem? So the 2020 Primaries and General in GA went swimmingly well? How's the hell do you breath with your head so far up your ass? Again late to the show and pointing out things that have already been discussed. Do you homework counselor.
  18. Deja-*****-vu https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/fastact/ What happened???
  19. You've not heard from me regarding what this solves because you're too lazy to look. Sectionc3: Because I have yet to see what this law does or will do or even give it time this law is RACIST!! Again to compare this to Jim Crow is ***** obscene! BTW the the law makes provisions for water at all polling places. Have you even read the damn thing? Sure sounds like you have not.
  20. The step up on basis is easy. When you inherit an asset you get a step up in the cost basis to value at death. Example. Mom and dad bought a home for $50k. It’s now worth $500k at the last death. Your basis now becomes $500k. So you can sell it for $500k and pay no gains. Hell if you sell it for less you capture the loss. I’d rather they did away with the step up and the the estate tax. Hell the water tax is exemption is so high now it’s like it doesn’t exist. It’s $11.7m per person!
  21. Absolutely. He still had a hand (or knee 🙄) in Floyd’s death. This just made the jury’s job that much harder.
  22. What value of Estate would you suggest being taxes? Do you think the step up in basis should be kept in place too?
  23. That wasn't a quote from the Bill. It was from an article on the Bill. The actual line of the Bill is 721-734. Ctrl F is your friend. Anything else I can help you with?
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