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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yes the General went swimmingly well. Nothing to see here folks. No need for change or reform. Interesting how this works. Liberal Reform = Progress Conservative Reform = Racism
  2. You have asked me to defend a position I’ve NOT held and I have. I have asked you to defend a position you HAVE held and you have not. What parts of this Bill are the equivalent of Jim Crow?
  3. Regarding your first statement. Many people are living paycheck to paycheck because of alcohol and many more make sure these is money in those slim checks for booze. Regarding the unbanked and underbanked. Those that are underbanked I assume have a bank account. Don’t they need ID to open the account? Those that don’t bank? Where does their money come from? Govt assistance? You need ID to apply for SNAP. Your point about loans is correct. Regarding my hypothetical? No proof. That’s what makes it a hypothetical. 😁 But is it doable? And if so would requiring an ID solve that?
  4. Not many of them left. I can’t imagine what they went through. Interesting however. I asked my 95 year old mom what it was like during WWII. We look at it through the comfy lens of history. I asked was she ever afraid of an invasion. She said “no, the only thing that scared me was polio.”
  5. God you’re so easy. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/13/more-than-10-hour-wait-and-long-lines-as-early-voting-starts-in-georgia What makes this Bill the second coming of Jim Crow?
  6. Buy booze? Cash a check? Open a bank account? Get a loan? And regarding poor people. I understand that they may not be able to afford to fly but do they buy alcohol? Cash their checks? BTW you didn’t answer my question regarding forging my signature at the polls
  7. What if I went to every voting precinct and singed in by looking at the voter role book open at the desk. I remember seeing those when I voted in person and imagine they are still there. Anyway say I noticed a name in the book and said Joe Smith here. No proof of who I was. How many times do you think I could get away ethic that? How did you friend from Chicago fly?
  8. Hahahahahahaha!!! Bury your head counselor. "I won't click your link.....blah blah blah" So the general election in GA went juuuuust fine. Anyway, back to my original contention with this whole mess, that you have not so cleverly moved out of the way, and thrown in your delusional idea that my point has had ANYTHING to do with the good or bad within the Bill. If you've been paying attention you'd know that my point is now (and has been from the beginning) that this Bill is being called racists. Sooooo I will ask you once more counselor.... What makes this Bill Jim Crow on steroids? It's ***** hilarious that you chase me around this board asking me to back something up that I've never really touched upon. However YOU, my good counselor, have ignored every attempt of mine to get you to explain something you didn't insinuate, hint at, allude to, or suggested but flat out stated. So again. What makes this Bill the equivalent of Jim Crow? Ball in your court. 0-40 so you better make this serve a good one.
  9. And others. His Tesla plant is still in Fremont in the Bay Area.
  10. 12/31/34 (if I'm still alive) I'm buying all the 70's non-catalytic converter muscle cars I can find. Yeah baby!!
  11. I'm assuming new only. They can't take all cars off the street. And if this is the case we need to really really work on our e-station charging. BTW there are those cynics like me that think did this to appease Elon Musk and get him on Gavin's side. Who the Eff knows.
  12. You make this so easy. See I'm better at courtroom tactics than our resident attorney. I was ready for your dumb question so I had the uber-conservative site know as NPR lined up to post. Here you go fool. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/15/876474124/chaos-in-primary-elections-raises-fears-for-november Ok so now I've presented my case, even parts of my case that I really didn't need to defend because it was never part of my case to begin with but I thought I'd move your fool-o-meter a bit further into the red. Now lets see if we can bust the fool-o-meter. Ready? What makes this Bill Jim Crow on steroids? Again counselor. Ball in your court.
  13. There seems to be some confusion. Either in the information you quoted or my understanding. If there is no time associated with "no matter how quickly" taking that as written couldn't any prosecutor go for premeditated? But then again the defense can just say "prove the amount of time that lapsed from when the defendant's mind said kill and the act was actually carried out." Impossible to prove in my mind (no pun intended)
  14. What is Newt Gingrich's background with criminal law? Specifically with regard to levels of homicide? I seriously don't know. Every place I looked it is planned out in advance.
  15. Easy. The primaries and general in 2020 were chaos. Something needed to be done. Is this bill going to fix this at all? Not sure, time will tell. So this is the second time (or more) I've answered this question here. Which is very interesting because you're asking me to defend a position I'm not taken is this conversation but I answered it to make the fool more foolish. NOW what makes it Jim Crow on steroids? The ball is squarely in your court counselor.
  16. Someone needs to look up the word premeditated. Crime of passion in my book. Manslaughter with Murder 3 the highest.
  17. You got anything constructive to add? Like what about this bill makes it Jim Crow on steroids? Something? Anything? Just a teeny bit of a reason why you feel this way. It shouldn't be hard. Care to argue AGAINST my point? Seeing you haven't leads me to believe you can't. Fools gonna fool i guess.
  18. California will be doing our part for emissions seeing we can't buy gas powered cars starting in 2035. That alone should cost Newsom his job seeing this was done by executive order. CA, of course, is car crazy and don't tell me what kind of car I have to buy.
  19. She may be hot (we'd expect nothing less from you) but her logic is messed up. How about "I shoot people to bring awareness to the long wait times at the ER"?
  20. You're damn right I want to focus on the racist element to the Bill and I've made it VERY clear as to why. Now here's the $64,000 question. What, in your mind, makes it racist. And dude thanks for answering we're starting to get somewhere and I think we can wrap this up soon. LOL.
  21. I don't dispel racism here you dummy. I'm simply asking what, in your mind, makes it racist. And you're not debating your chasing your tail. All I'm asking is quite simple Is it racist? I'll even make it easy for you and give you three choices. A. Yes B. No C. I don't know It's all very telling that you have not been able to answer this simple question. Now be forewarned you answer A or B I will follow up with a Why?
  22. Thanks. And FYI the Bill does make provisions for people to get water while they wait in line. This Code section shall not be construed to prohibit a poll officer from distributing materials, as required by law, which are necessary for the purpose of instructing electors or from distributing materials prepared by the Secretary of State which are designed solely for the purpose of encouraging voter participation in the election being conducted or from making available self-service water from an unattended receptacle to an elector waiting in line to vote. Has NO ONE read this thing???
  23. There is no reason to debate the race angle of the Bill because there is none is what you meant to say correct? When we see racism everywhere true racism becomes obscured. My point from the beginning. So people need to STOP shoving ***** in the racism box that do NOT belong there so the things that DO belong in that box don't get buried. Fair enough? Comparing this Bill to Jim Crow makes you look really foolish. Carry on fool.
  24. Seriously? You have to ask that? Here let me use your own words. LARGE POPULOUS! This is the funniest thing ever. Now will this Bill fix this? Only time will tell. Did it address this? Yes. Funny you didn't mention POC? Why is this? I'm always against power grabs by government. See I'm a conservative. I'm consistent. Does that power grab constitute racism? No. Are you and @SectionC3 so thick you can't understand my point or are you being intellectually dishonest? I'm going with the latter but I'm starting to wonder about the former.
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