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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. If it’s to be considered Jim Crow wouldn’t have to adversely affect only Black people. Or target only black people? I’ll answer for you. YES! Now on to the proof you must have to come to this conclusion. The Jim Crow on steroids one.
  2. So you think that article confirmed that 2020 was the most secure election ever?
  3. How much did Obama, Bush, Clinton, et al spent on vacations/getaways? Take your partisan blinders off. You accuse Trump of spending our money as if he’s the only one to ever have done it. Divide and conquer my friend divide and conquer. The law is racist because it adds hurdles to help the GOP win? Captain Logic strikes again. You wear a cape?
  4. Well first off I think it’s safe to say that rural voters in EVERY state don’t have to wait in line like those in the city. Soooo how does long lines in urban areas adversely affect ONLY black people?
  5. The most secure in history? I’m not saying it wasn’t but I’d love to hear what you’re basing thar statement on. When you say we caught him cheating multiple times explain the cheating he was caught doing “multiple” times.
  6. I have news for you Mr Logic. Both parties are trying moving us towards autocracy. What you just wrote could be said about Democrats as well as Republicans. And sheeple like you have such hatred for the other side you’re blind to it. And until both sides stop blindly following their chosen party while both parties sip expensive Scotch paid for by your tax dollars while they laugh at us it’s not going to get any better. Textbook divide and conquer.
  7. Well now isn’t this a boatload of crapola. So because I adamantly say that this Bill is not racist I think that racism doesn’t exist. How about because I’ve never witnessed a murder I think murder doesn’t exist? How about because I’ve never witnessed childbirth I believe in the stork? Logic ain’t your strong suit is it?
  8. So does it adversely affect the black community only?
  9. Would changing the sometimes hard to read handwritten signature to a numbered ID make this a very moot point? Ahhh so it's Subtle Jim Crow not Jim Crow on Steroids. Please point out how the Jim Crow laws of yesteryear have been morphed into subtle racial laws of today? How is this Bill even subtly racists? I've seen NO one point out what parts of this Bill are racist. NO ONE!!
  10. Was this for me? Tech challenged today counselor? Ok no chaos. I misspoke. The General in GA as beautiful. No lines. Quick certifications. It went well. Swimmingly well as a matter of fact. I'm sorry. Ok whew we finally got that one behind us. Now counselor. What makes in this Bill makes it Jim Crow on steroids? Ball in your court
  11. Dude this has nothing to do with Donald Trump. Good lord. And I'm sorry no one has not given specifics as to why this is Jim Crow on steroids. To keep it simple I ask you two questions. Jim Crow MANDATED racial segregation in public places such as schools. Does this law force black people to use separate polling places that are hard or impossible to reach? Jim Crow instituted things like Poll Taxes, Literacy Tests at the polls. Many of the tests were impossible to pass thereby making impossible for many black people to vote. Please point out where the GA Bill does anything of the sort You have not done a poor job equating this Bill to Jim Crow. You have not done any job of equating it to Jim Crow Do better. The only reason? So has zero to do with it taking nearly a month for GA to certify their votes? Would having ID numbers on the ballots make them easier to match than a signature. Yes or no?
  12. You don’t need to educate me on Jim Crow. Please tell me what is specifically in the Bill that harkens back to Jim Crow? You have read the Bill right? Again. Equating this Bill to Jim Crow is sick and I would think anyone who was subjected to Jim Crow would agree.
  13. Of course I obsess about the Bill being called racist. And I’ve explained why. Calling something like this racist distracts away from real racism. If you cared at all about racism you’d focus on eliminating distractions such as this.
  14. It did address this and you know it! The only way you'd be satisfied would be if they reopened all the over 200 sites they closed and I understand that. But for YOU to say they did NOT address this? THAT's being dishonest. Now if you want to come back and say "it didn't properly address it" you'd have an argument but until then you do not. BTW. You were the first here (I believe) to call this Bill racists. Others have jumped on the Racist bandwagon with @SectionC3 going so far to invent a cute nickname for me. You, nor they, have not been able to articulate what makes it racist. Are you able to? Because logic would lead one to the conclusion that you, and the others, have not properly answered it means you were just blowing smoke. @oldmanfan at least tried. He failed miserably but at least he tried. So your and @SectionC3 continued silence on that question of VERY telling. I can't imagine trying to verify signatures. Jesus my signature varies all the time. Why GA required proper ID numbers on mail in ballots. That just makes logical sense to me.
  15. So are they looking to disenfranchise DEMOCRAT voters or BLACK voters? And yeah, I don't think you know what Jim Crow really was or your being intellectually dishonest.
  16. Please point out which specific parts of this Bill specifically disenfranchises BLACK people to make this textbook Jim Crow.
  17. So this is it? It's Jim Crow like because it was passed by Republicans? This is what your going with? I suggest you brush up on what Jim Crow was and then get back to me. Do better.
  18. Nope. Couldn't they throw out votes from any community if they so chose? Next............
  19. I know Harris, who has been tasked with the "crisis", has not yet been to the border however has she even publicly addressed the "crisis" with any semblance of a plan? Even a "we're working on solutions"?
  20. The lines for the General were hours long. It took Georgia a month to certify the election. Is this acceptable in your world? Not in mine. Sooooo the Bill was created to reduce wait times, ensure a fair election and give Georgian's more time to vote among other things. Ok so I've answered your questions for the second or third time. I don't care if you like them, agree with them or not. I've played your dumb trollish game now on to the question I've asked many time here of you and others and have not gotten an answer. I've done my job now on to yours. Ready? In what ways is this Bill similar to Jim Crow?
  21. Oh now it's MY Bill? How does MY Bill look like Jim Crow/ Why won't you answer my questions? Oh wait I know. You're a troll. Trolling is not very becoming counselor but I have learned to expect nothing more than trolling from you. Carry on foolish troll.
  22. Regarding your first statement and alcohol. It's not a stereotype of poor people it's a reality of people in general. Ok you're points regarding poor people and my association with them are correct. I don't hang with poor people and it's not by choice it's just the way it is. People are tribal. I have no kids so most of my friends have no kids either. Let me ask you a question. If people needed an ID to eat would they figure out a way to get it? You bet you would. Now if having a say in the way their government is run requires that get an ID to prove who they are at the poll or on a mail in ballot they should be able to figure it out. If they are poor and have no vehicle there are other means of transportation. When I was younger and lived in Miami I took a bus nearly an hour each way for work every day. If they are too old to drive or take public transportation there are services for seniors in places like Atlanta. Regarding your NPR article about how hard it is to get an ID? I think you need to read it again. It does talk about the challenges but also talks about the solutions FTA: The "getting ID is hard" excuse is just that, an excuse.
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