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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. It calls for the the establishment of additional drop boxes. LOL!! Thank you because you proved my point.
  2. I do not see the section you listed. Quote the text that specifically reduces the number of drop boxes. I did not depend on Fox News I depended on google. Did you not like the second link I provided that had the same text of the Bill. You didn't like my original source so I gave you a second. Would you like a third?
  3. You did not. At least I didn't see where you quoted it.
  4. So you can't quote the actually TEXT of the Bill that calls for the reduction in the number of drop boxes so you take your ball and run home? Par for the course.
  5. Now isn't this rich. Coming from a person who feels it's racist but has yet to point to what specifically makes it racists. What does where I found it have to do with it. How about this? https://legiscan.com/GA/text/SB202/id/2348602 Link your source please.
  6. Here is the Bill I'm quoting. I contains no such wording reducing the number of drop boxes. It mentions drop boxes 28 times but none that say it reduces their numbers. So please quote the wording in the Bill YOU'RE looking at that says it reduces the number of drop boxes. https://static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2021/04/Georgia-election-law-SB-202.pdf
  7. You just read the whole Bill? No seriously quote the Bill where is says they will reduce the number of drop boxes. Are you sure you're reading the Bill? All 98 pages? Just now? Please make your case. Prove me wrong and I will admit you are right. Potentially disenfranchise the opposition does NOT make it racist and you know that.
  8. I can't find the section you're talking about. Please quote it here. Could there also be a hypothetical that this Bill may make is easier for black people to vote?
  9. People say a lot of things. Please point out where in the Bill it specifically calls for fewer drop boxes. It actually does the opposite. How about Vanderbilt University definitions: Racism “The systemic subordination of members of targeted racial groups who have relatively little social power in the United States (Blacks, Latino/as, Native Americans, and Asians), by the members of the agent racial group who have relatively more social power (Whites). This subordination is supported by the actions of individuals, cultural norms and values, and the institutional structures and practices of society.” If what you say actually happens you can come back and say AH HA!! I told you. In the meantime it's all hypothetical. What-if's don't work here.
  10. They could also set them on fire, super glue them shut or cut them up into tiny pieces too. You can't be that cynical.
  11. This does not pass my definition. And please point out to me where in this Bill it reduces the number of drop boxes. I'll wait...... Again has NOBODY read this thing??
  12. My definition was found right in my post you quoted. When something is done or put in place that is purposely targeting a specific race in an adverse way. The key words are “purposely targeting”. Disproportionately and adversely affects a race only works if you can prove it was done on purpose. That definition would make something like a regressive tax such as a gas tax racist. They are unfair in my mind however they are not racist. Just not well thought out. So call this Bill not well thought out or rammed through the legislature but don’t call it racist. Now having said that can ANYONE calling this Bill racist (let alone Jim Crow on steroids) point out how this Bill fits that definition? None have even TRIED let alone been successful.
  13. And don’t hire someone you refer to as “our stockbroker”. 😁
  14. You’re not wrong. That’s why the saying “pay their fair share!” is a load of crapola. And they never explain what that means. This all involves math which typically has specific answers (% or $) but they always just say “more!”
  15. The flu of 1918 killed a lot more people but went away rather quickly without a vaccine. What do you think explains that?
  16. No one is dying anymore apparently. It was a daily ritual last year. Now? What changed? 🤔
  17. How is it targetind black people? Not imaginary targeting. ACTUAL targeting. I don’t think you actually know what racism is.
  18. A. Have you been consistent in that this Bill is racist? Check B. Have you been consistent in your inability to identify exactly what makes the Bill racist? Check C. Have I never once uttered the words (search is your friend) “racism doesn’t exist”? Check You lose an argument then you make ***** up. This is really sad my friend.
  19. You’ve the better part of the week to explain to us all what makes this Bill racist so I think you’re confused, making stuff up or you have your partisan blinders on. How’s that?
  20. I thought it was racist? Why have you gone away from that narrative?
  21. It’s not a secret? Where in the public domain may I find his intention? Or were you over at his place for dinner last night and he told you his plans. If he did he should have told you to keep it a secret. I guess he didn’t know you were a blabber mouth.
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