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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Not sure but if you fly east you never age. I left Sydney at 9am on a Saturday. Landed in LA at exactly 9am on that same Saturday. That was in 1988 and I’ve been heading East ever since and have not aged a second. #### Robin’s best cover songs.
  2. Gee where have I heard this all before? Hmmmmm..... 🤔
  3. I think it's like 4 or 5. I read it on the internet somewhere. Who's celebrating? What does these even mean? This is a dumb meme even for your standards and that says a lot.
  4. Well set me up with a softball. Of course it would be called "MOSTLY peaceful"
  5. It's the vote conversion from loonies to non-loonies.
  6. Sigh....why do I even bother. Plant the seed of doubt in a jury and even a pretty guilty murderer goes free.
  7. I find it quite entertaining you used the word exaggerated in this post to refer to someone else.
  8. Ok...what the ***** do we as citizens need to do to demand (and I hate that word demand) do get an accounting of where all our.....OUR money goes? I'm tired of them spending us into oblivion with zero accountability.
  9. There is likely two answers. 1. They truly want to help people 2. They like the power trip It's my hope that number 1 greatly outweighs number 2
  10. I wonder what this post would look like had Trump won.
  11. There is one specific southern border that Biden has not "struck a deal" to send more troops to. Hmmmm So we say "Hey Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala!! Secure your ***** border!! Wait what? Secure ours? No way man. That Raycist!!!"
  12. People wonder why cops shoot people.
  13. And BTW those bitching about Drop Boxes? You do realize there a ***** loads of "drop boxes" for people to drop off their ballots right? They are more commonly known as mailboxes and there are 327 in ATL. So to those of you calling this Bill racist or Jim Crow on steroids? Stop inventing boogeymen. https://mailboxlocate.com/states/GA/cities/ATLANTA
  14. I don't remember. Like all my fantasies. It was fleeting. You can do just as much damage with 10 round clips as higher round clips. You just need to be fast at removing and replacing clips and many people are REAL good at that. Killers are gonna kill and killers with a psychological issues will figure ways to mass kill.
  15. Perfect thread for this. Let’s go to the tape shall we... The Bill makes it impossible for a black person to get a drink of water! This Bill is racist and worse than Jim Crow!! What? Oh the Bill actually makes provisions for water stations at the polling places?? Well ok but those long lines. Those are racist and worse than Jim Crow. What? Oh the Bill addresses those? Ok how about drop boxes?? They reduced the number of drops boxes!! What? You mean drop boxes weren’t even around before 2020 and were only put in place due to Covid? Yeah but still drop boxes are hard to find!! What? You mean those ballots can be dropped in any mailbox? ***** I got nuthin. You sure do. Guilty as charged too. But it’s the unfortunate (and sometimes entertaining) aspect of this sub-forum.
  16. They didn’t make the wait times in line less during the 2020 primaries and/or general. But you know what requires that? That’s righ. This racist Jim Crow on steroids Bill does.
  17. Nope. Not even close. If I'm making you feel like I'm being an a-hole I'm doing my job. So let's look at the numbers. Based on 2019 counts the metro Atlanta area had about 6,000,000 inhabitants. Here is the breakdown. White - 52.8% Black or African American - 34.4% Asian - 6.1% Hispanic or Latino - 10.9% Foreign Born - 13.8% So based on these numbers it appears those most affected by the reduction of ballot boxes in the Metro Atlanta area you brought up would be White residents. And I didn't use a Fox linked site for my numbers. I used the ATL Chamber of Commerce. https://www.metroatlantachamber.com/resources/reports-and-information/executive-profile
  18. What it boils down to is that we, in this country, have it so easy we have to create imaginary problems just so those SJW can feel good about themselves. Those poor people need our help! Don't get me wrong there are plenty of people that need help and I will gladly help them with my tax dollars but creating imaginary problems to me appears as almost a psychological disorder.
  19. Well there you go! Good job. So they picked the number of 1 drop box per 100,000 registered voters. So that does in fact look like it reduces the number of drop boxes. Now let's take this a step further. Will this make it harder for those that live in rural, less populated counties to actually locate a drop box? Well seeing no one has be able to point out what makes the Bill racist other than it "feels" racist sure makes it look like I understand what I'm saying. Do you agree with Biden that this Bill is Jim Crow on steroids?
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